Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Cute!

And I rolled over for the first time on Tuesday, from back to front. I LOVE to eat my rice cereal & oat cereal. My favorite foods are banana's, pears, applesauce and sweet potatoes....did you guess, I have a sweet tooth. I am comfortably wearing 12 month clothes. My brothers love me bunches and I get LOTS of kisses, and rough jiggles and they love to put blankets on my face. I smile tons when I see them.

Well that's my mini update,


1 comment:

Andrea said...

You are cute! I love all the smiles, although the serious faces were pretty cute too. I'm so happy that you are eating all these big boy foods - that means Mataunte Andrea can come babysit sometime soon!! I will have to start planning some fun activities with all you boys!

Love you lots