Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July So Far!!

Wow have we been busy but it's been so much fun. Now to update you all on the fun we've been having. Here are some pics to go along with some of it...but we've been a bit slack in this department too. :)

For the 4th of July we had 2 fun BBQ's..very yummy and fun. Ma Taunte Andrea has move back to New England. YEAH!!, check out the photo of her in her new car... Last week we had our Son Surf VBS camp. It was so fun. Adley was in the Seahorse group and Nathanael was in the crabs group. We're still singing the songs and doing the motions in the car. So fun. It was crazy hot last week, so we went to our friends pools to stay cool. We LOVE to swim. Adley is working on his doggie paddle, and Nathanael jumps right in the pool, face underwater multiple times and LOVES it, he doesn't come up coughing at all. Crazy man.

We're relaxing this week, but we'll be gearing up for Adley's 5th birthday for next month.

Fun Stuff!!

Love you guys!!!
The 3 guys

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