Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nathanael's 3 year check-up

Today I had my 3 year check-up, and I'm weighing in at 35lbs 6oz (82 percentile) and 40 1/2 inches tall (96 percentile). Yah I'm tall - but you knew that. Everything is great with me, no shots, but I had to do the lead test. At the old pediatrics it was a finger prick and squeeze until you get enough blood. Here they drew blood from my arm, It hurt and I wanted out of the chair, but mom says I was so brave.

Some fun stats when Adley was 3 years old: 35 lbs 4oz and 39 pretty cool, I'm an inch and a half taller than Adley was.

Currently we're 5 lbs different and 4 inches different.

People often ask us when we're out and about if we're twins...

Yesterday we went to a play place with lots of climey pipes and fun ball pits. I'm so big I can go most everywhere, and where I couldn't quite get up on my own, Adley pushed me up by my bum. He's a great big brother. We had a blast!!

Have a great day friends!!


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