Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's Official!!

Sprinkle Pool is finally open.
What a fun day with our friends!!

There is one new pic of our pool date but it's just OK. :)

Looks like a big thunder storm coming our way this afternoon!

Love you all!
The 3 guys!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Boy did we have some fabulous weather this Saturday, after a week of rain.

We did soccer in the morning, and biked and played outside all day. We love lunch on the blanket in the back yard. Took a walk to the pond, grilled our dinner and cooked some delicious marshmallows.

Super Fun Day!!

The 3 guys!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The 3 Boys!!

We're having a BLAST!!
Our little brother has been awake more and more and we really enjoy all 'playing' together. And for some reason Adley didn't want to be on the bottom because he needed to be holding Jeremiah, and Nathanael was cool with that.
Adley is a great big brother, he gets things for mom when she needs it. Nathanael loves to help too, at bath time, and teamwork holding Jeremiah in the car seat on the way to the car.

We LOVE you guys,
I hope the rain lets up because we have HIGH energy, and it makes mom a little crazy!!

The 3 guys

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nathanael's 3 year check-up

Today I had my 3 year check-up, and I'm weighing in at 35lbs 6oz (82 percentile) and 40 1/2 inches tall (96 percentile). Yah I'm tall - but you knew that. Everything is great with me, no shots, but I had to do the lead test. At the old pediatrics it was a finger prick and squeeze until you get enough blood. Here they drew blood from my arm, It hurt and I wanted out of the chair, but mom says I was so brave.

Some fun stats when Adley was 3 years old: 35 lbs 4oz and 39 inches....so pretty cool, I'm an inch and a half taller than Adley was.

Currently we're 5 lbs different and 4 inches different.

People often ask us when we're out and about if we're twins...

Yesterday we went to a play place with lots of climey pipes and fun ball pits. I'm so big I can go most everywhere, and where I couldn't quite get up on my own, Adley pushed me up by my bum. He's a great big brother. We had a blast!!

Have a great day friends!!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Look!! No training wheels!!

So check out this sweet video, I'm learning to ride a bike with no training wheels!!!

And I'm getting it!!

Wanted you all to know!!

And It's pretty exciting hence all the exclamation points!!!

Love Adley

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jeremiah's 1 Month Check-up

Jeremiah had his one month check-up today and he's weighing in at 12 lbs 5 oz (95 percentile) and is 23 1/2 inches long (96 percentile). He's doing great!! Just for fun the boys Adley & Nathanael were this big at 2 months:
Adley: 12 lbs 5oz and 23 inches long
Nathanael: 12 lbs 5 oz and 23 inches long

WOW, that's weird everything is so close....so he's exactly tracking a month a head...



Ma Tauntes Trip

Boy did we have a BLAST when Ma taunte was here. Check out these pics. We of course had lots of birthday celebration, but we played a ton in the back yard, she brought cool art things to do. We also had a fun fondue night, we made the salad for the 'intermission' (even though we went to bed before the chocolate...no fair.) We enjoyed fondue, but Adley didn't like the swiss cheese as much but liked the green apple dippers.
We also went to the farm. We fed goats, we collected chicken eggs, we saw peacocks, we played in the kids area and went on a hay ride and saw really big cows with huge horns. We learned a lot about animals and remember only a little. There are cows that are almost endangered...didn't know. At the end of the day we were very pooped, and Ma Taunte is the best....she carried us both. That night we went to friendlies for dinner...love the Ice Cream!!

We had a blast, and look forward to the day when we can fly west to see her.

We're really interested in flying since we drove her to the airport.

Love you all!!

The guys

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Birthday Week

So my birthday week has been totally fabulous. I went for a spider man theme, you'll have to check out the pics.

First party was on Tuesday with Grandpie & Ma Taunte Andrea.
Then Birthday evening with mom & dad
Then Memere and Papa King came over the next day
and Saturday with Grandma & Grandpa and the cousins.

Very Very fun week!!

Thanks for all the Birthday fun everyone,
can you believe I'm 3 already!!


Happy Easter

Yah I know we totally missed the boat on this post!! Just pretend it's post dated, but you can also check out our Easter Pics!!

We woke up and had a sweet Easter Egg hunt! Had a great time at church, then off to Grandma & Grandpa's. We took a nice walk in the woods, the weather was so wonderful.

We had a very nice Easter!

The boys!!