Monday, March 7, 2011

What's up with us!!

Wow, it's been a while, here's what's up with us.

Adley is 4 1/2 years old, that's big. So we measured him, he weighs in at 40lbs and is 43 1/2 inches tall. I've got no percentiles for you, but that's a gain of 2 1/2 inches and 2 lbs in 6 months....he's growing BIG.

Then we got some colds, and Adley had pneumonia. Mom said she liked us sick...what mom would say that....but she did say she enjoyed the snuggly book/movie times...I guess we have too much energy to snuggle on a normal day. He's doing 100% better and we're back to our rambunctious selves.

Nathanaels name for baby brother is 'Philips' works.

We're excited to meet baby brother, although I don't think Nathanael really gets that he's going to come home and live with us, it's just a big belly we talk to. :)

Well that's our little update until we meet our little brother due on or around (or before if you ask mom) March 28th.

Adley & Nathanael

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