Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Time!!

And we're totally pumped, a 60 degree day in our back yard is a fine time to get 'hot' and strip down. We had a fabulous day today enjoying the super fresh air.

And, no our baby brother is still hangin' out in Momma's belly. We went to the OB appointment today, and looks like he's BIG, about 9 1/2 lbs says the midwife. She likes his big does mom. Cool thing is mom gets to have an ultrasound in the morning just to see how big our 'little' brother is. I guess little brother is getting as big as he can before he comes out, because he hears how much FUN we have ALL THE TIME.

Well we figure any day now!! Can't wait to add him to our blog, and put up some cool new pics.

Have a nice warm day!!
Adley & Nathanael

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Bellies - Just for fun!!!

So this is a fun game my friend Sara inspired me to put together. :) Here are the boy bellies all at 36-37weeks...can you guess which boy is in which belly? so they might be out of order. :)

What's up with us!!

Wow, it's been a while, here's what's up with us.

Adley is 4 1/2 years old, that's big. So we measured him, he weighs in at 40lbs and is 43 1/2 inches tall. I've got no percentiles for you, but that's a gain of 2 1/2 inches and 2 lbs in 6 months....he's growing BIG.

Then we got some colds, and Adley had pneumonia. Mom said she liked us sick...what mom would say that....but she did say she enjoyed the snuggly book/movie times...I guess we have too much energy to snuggle on a normal day. He's doing 100% better and we're back to our rambunctious selves.

Nathanaels name for baby brother is 'Philips' works.

We're excited to meet baby brother, although I don't think Nathanael really gets that he's going to come home and live with us, it's just a big belly we talk to. :)

Well that's our little update until we meet our little brother due on or around (or before if you ask mom) March 28th.

Adley & Nathanael