Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Snow!!!

We're very excited. We woke up this morning and mom said there was snow on the ground. So we looked out every window and saw that there was snow on the trees, snow on the firewood, snow on the grass and on the trees. Nathanael said "I want to make a snowman". And Adley said, "I see Dad on his unicycle in the snow". I'm sure you're not surprised, Dad unicycles everywhere, most every weather. Well as you can see (our pics), we didn't get that much snow, but enough for some snow angels, and eating and walking in the snow.

4 Days till Christmas!!!!


Adley & Nathanael

1 comment:

Taunte Didea said...

Yay! Christmas is coming so fast! I'm glad you are getting a little snow for a white Christmas. Seth and I will not get a white Christmas this year - yesterday hit 70 for a high and we're expecting 50s this week. Hopefully we'll get a cold weekend night so we can make a fire and sit around our tree.

You boys are excellent cookie decorators. Looks like you had lots of fun sampling the frosting too :-) I always liked that part. I still do!

Happy Holidays!!