We will be moving into 'the white house' in Chelmsford. Today we brought some of our trucks and sidewalk chalk over. We had a grinders and lemonade, my favorite. We measured rooms with Daddy, and I figured I'd get a room to myself and Nathanael could have the other room with the new baby. I'm Big.
But I guess we get bunk beds if Nathanael is in the room with me, so that could be OK too.
It's fun to play in the back yard, it's fun to play downstairs, it's fun to slide along the hardwood floors on our bellies.
I'm excited to move now, and I know we are bringing all our stuff. When I see big trucks on the road I tell mom and dad that's the kind we need to move. Mom said the truck place has lots of sized trucks for moving, so I told her we would need a size 10 to bring all our stuff.
It was hard to leave the white house today to come to our other home. I like being at the white house, and I want to go in the woods and walk on the paths. I guess that will be for another day.
Have a great weekend!! Time to change the addresses on my fabulous magazine subscriptions.