Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

I had a very fun 2nd Birthday weekend.
We went to a park in CT near Grandma & Grampa. My fun cousins were there. We threw rocks in the river most of the time, and enjoyed a Buzz Lightyear Birthday. Pics to follow, Mom & Dad have been a little busy. I had another cake on my birthday too. I LOVE cake!!

This week I had my 2yr check-up, and I was 29lbs 8oz in the 75th percentile and 35 1/2 inches tall. (Adley was 36inches & 30lbs at his 2 year) And Baby center has a fun tool to predict how tall I'll be when I'm 18 and it says 6ft.

Well time for another snack!!

Got to go!!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Runs on Dunkin!!

That's what I say randomly now a lot. Marathon Monday really implanted it in my brain.

Also I told mom today that she could go to the dentist store and buy a little tooth for the space in her mouth.

We had a fun at home day today!!
Nothing much to report, but I thought I'd get in here before Nathanael takes over for his birthday weekend!!!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Marathon Monday

We're minutes away from watching the start of the mens race. We're ready to race with our living room and for only a few minutes at a time.

The dunkin' donuts logo has been on the screen the whole time, and I asked mom why it was there, and she said, because "they want us to go buy donuts". I was pretty cool with that, but we're not going anywhere.

Just wanted to say HI!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a gorgeous Easter Weekend!!

Boy did we have a fabulous weekend!! (Photo's to come soon!!)

We went up to Grampie's and Nana's on Saturday and enjoyed an 80 degree day in early April. (Ma Taunte...I'm sure we beat you weather wise this weekend. :) We wanted to call to rub it in but was distracted by all the fun we were having.)

We threw rocks in the brook at Grampies, and got our feet wet....and muddy. We went for a fun 4 wheel ride, while Daddy followed us on his Unicycle. Nana even took us up some crazy hills but Dad did awesome. We had a campfire and cooked marshmallows. The weather was so comfortable even at night, Grampie had a lot of tiki lights too, what a fun night. We were pretty pooped come bedtime.

Easter Morning, what a glorious day!! We had an Easter Egg hunt, Grampie hid them pretty well. We got to go to Grampie & Nana's church. We went to great Memere's and Pepere's for some Easter breakfast (this would be 2nd to love holidays). Then to Great Gramies for 1st lunch. We spent the whole afternoon outside, Adley and Mia enjoyed playing in the brook all afternoon, and Nathanael threw lots of rocks in the brook. It was so fun to see everyone, we had a blast and was soaked come time to go home. We slept well in the car on the way home, and had a big night sleep last night.

Happy Easter Everyone!
HE is Risen!!

Adley & Nathanael