Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look What We Did Today!!

And scope out the video, kind of a 'making of'. Good times. As you can see most of our eggs are cracked, so those will be tossed once Dad sees the wonderful basket we made.

And yesterday we went to the Christian Movie Festival, and got to watch a free movie on the big screen. We saw Veggie Tails Minnesota Cuke & the search for Noah's Umbrella. Nathanael was dancing to all the tunes in his big movie seat. Adley very much enjoyed the flick as well it had a sweet Indian Jones theme. We even had some movie popcorn with butter. We LOVED it. That flick was followed by "The Messiah Comes". Nathanael had had enough movie near the end of this one, but we had a sweet time.

We bough PEEPS today, who doesn't love peeps!!!

We're psyked for all that Easter has in store.

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Dentist!

So today was my first teeth cleaning today!! I'm such a big boy. We went into the cleaning room, and I wasn't so excited to be first in the chair, so Nathanael hopped right on, and got a ride up and down, and opened his mouth for the hygienist. I took my place at the fill up the water cup/spit bowl which is my usual job when mom gets a cleaning. But mom put me in "the chair", and I got my teeth counted and cleaned. And did very very well. I went for mint toothpaste even when I had lots of other choices. Then came mom's turn, and I went back to the water fill up station, and you would know it, Nathanael didn't want to read the books, doodle on the pad or play with the truck mom brought, so he sat on her lap so he could face the water tub too. Would you know it my pants were pretty wet when we were done. Mom's sleeve too. I heard mom ask the hygienist if this is what they mean by bring your kids to the dentist....I don't get it, we had a blast.

I can't wait to go to the dentist again in 6 months,

Adley James

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Ma Taunte Andrea!!

27 will be a fabulous year for you. :) We love you bunches and figured this video was too sweet not to share with everyone.


Your nephews

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We LOVE this beautiful weather!

We've been spending LONG hours outside with these 60+ days. Today is going to be high of 73 and we're gearing up to spend it outside.

Here's a fun outside video for you to enjoy!!

We both LOVE climing trees, and Nathanael is as silly as alwasy!

Love you guys!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Pics

We had a blast this weekend. We got to hang out with Mom & Dad's college friends, and thier kids are great. Thanks for having us over Jess! On Sunday we had a blast at Great Grandma Barbrie's 80th birthday bash. Check out the sweet pics.
Today we went to Imajine That play place and had a blast.

But its raining today so at least this afternoon we can chill out....however we love 'action packed' and we never get tired. :)

Happy Time Change, Adley slept in until 9:15 today.

Nathanael & Adley