Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

We wish you all a safe and Happy New Years!!

We enjoyed playing in the falling snow today! And we munched Ribs for dinner...mmm meat on the bone. We've had a fabulous year and can't wait to see what 2010 has in store.

Love you all!
Adley & Nathanael

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!!

We had a very Merry Christmas, and it lasted 5 days. We're the luckiest boys ever. It was an extensive New England trip covering 4 states!! Here is where our fun photo's will go for the month of Dec.

We enjoyed Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Philips and the whole family. We love to play with our cousins Jayden & Owen. We got so many great things, we were looking very spiffy during our Christmas festivities in many of the new Christmas outfits. The Transformers were a big hit and the swords..all 4 of them for some splendid family bonding. Nathanael LOVES his art supplies and Adley is excited for game night.
Christmas morning back at our place was so fun. Adley opened his first present which was a puzzle and had to do the puzzle before opening more. He got a soccer ball and a buble bee transformer. Nathanael got a music toys bucket which was a fun loud time, with tamborine & kazoo and harmonica and some shaky things. He got an animal puzzle book and a shake n go car.....vroom vroom. Then we did our presents from Ma Taunte Andrea via speaker phone...Nathanael and Adley got some sweet additions to the Art studio and some sweet books and puzzles.
then off to Memere's and Pa Pa Kings for more Christmas fun. The boys got flashlights which have been a super big hit the whole weekend. We had a sleepover here and opened our presents in the morning and had a great Pajama's all day kind of day. We got a music toy player and Adley got some Curious George Puzzle....he's such a puzzler.
Then off to Grampies & Nana's. We had a fun sleepover and the next day opened more presents. If you can beleive it we had presents every day for 4 days. Grampie got us some sweet big workin' trucks, books and in our stockings some yummie candy canes and sweets. Then we had our family Christmas at Great Grandma's. It's fun to play with our 2nd cousins, Mia's our age and we had fun playing with our toys. Nathanael really enjoys his Train and Aldey likes his sweet big rig. One more sleepover and we enjoyed lunch with Great Memere and Great Pepere. It was great to see everyone and thank you all for the wonderful presents!!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anyone want to invite us over for New Years?

Because we look hot!!

We've got sweet suits and a fun tree, that we want to touch A LOT. But we've only broken 2 balls, not bad huh? and only on the first day. We love all the lights in the house. and the Christmas specials, we've seen Charlie Brown Christmas & Shrek & Curious George!! Good Times!!

We cut down our tree on Sunday after Church, there was snow on the trees and everything was very pretty.

We had a super snow storm today and we went sledding a bit out front.

Mom will have to take the pics off the camera for your viewing pleasure.

Love you guys!

Nathanael & Adley

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our first Gingerbread Shack!!

A lot of candy eating went into the making of this, our first gingerbread shack. And really mom was the decorator and we were the eaters. Not surprising to you I'd imagine.

We got to decorate the house full of Christmas this Tuesday, and mom was super impressed nothing was broken with all our help. And Adley had a section of streamers and had them strung up over all the kitchen cabinet handles, and zig zagged accross the upper steps handrail & banisters. Needless to say these both had to be taken down, but he was pretty pumped when we put a string of colored lights in the boys room.

Have a very merry Christmas Holiday season!!!

Adley & Nathanael