Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Boys

Nathanael: Just cut his 4 molars all at once. So after the 4th of July until mid last week the poor boy has been waking up once or twice a night. So thankfully for mommy too, he's back to sleeping soundly. He doesn't mess around when it comes to teeth. He loves to look for his brother, he wants to do everything he does. He copies his motions too. If Adley makes a crazy face, he'll try to do it too. He gives the best totally open mouth kisses, and hugs his stuffed animals sooo tight he's a love bug. He enjoys flipping through his books, and knocking down whatever brother builds. He loves to put things in things still. So fun.

Adley: Is getting so big. He LOVES to jump on tramolines or off anything. He's a potty training champ. He's a good reader of some of his fav books. He's going to his first vacation bible school in a couple weeks. He'll be 3 in Aug....crazy. If you're looking to buy him something he will soon to be in size 4 shirts, and probably 4 pants, he's wearing 9 shoes but is alright for shoes right now. Maybe some cool dress up items like helmets, swords, shields, capes...He likes search a word and is getting into super easy mazes. He loves bubbles and balls, maybe an indoor basket ball hop for his room.

So enjoy the new photos coming up soon!
The boys!

Also the new video's will be listed where you see the photo's in an album called Web Video's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adley. Did you have fun with your play group friends? Heard you are having several birthday celebrations. Enjoy opening up the gifts and blowing out the candles. Have a great time. Will see you on Sunday. Sridevi