Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ma Taunte Andrea was in Town

And boy did we have a fun action packed time. MaTaute Andrea & Memere came over Saturday. We hung out and played all afternoon. Sunday morning we did the Komen Breast Cancer walk in Boston, it was a great 5K. Then we enjoyed some breakfast at Angelino's. The rest of the day we chilled, since it was an early wakeup. My girlfriend Anna came over and we hung out with her as well. Dad went to Youth group and mom helped by babysitting. Memere had to go pick up Papa King at the airport Sunday night.
Monday Grandpie came over. It was his 50th Birthday on Sunday so we had Boston cream pie with a 50 candle. We decorated with streamers. It was fun to hang out.
Tuesday was Baby P's first appointment. The ultrasound was cool. Looks like Baby P's due date is May 6th. Everything looks good. Later in the day we brought MaTaunte Andrea to try on her bridesmaid dress. I'm excited that the wedding is in Nov so I get to see her again soon. It was so fun to play with her, she read me books, snuggled with me and was a really fun roommate.
On Wednesday Mom and MaTaunte made fondue...they were really excited. They wanted to go to the Melting Pot, however it only is open for dinner. They didn't think to check before to see. so they had to make due. I think they really loved it. It was sad to see her go, but I know she'll be back so soon.

I love you Ma Taunte!!


Monday, September 17, 2007

I feed myself!!

Wow, can you believe it. I can feed myself...yogurt at least. Check it out in my latest video. I'll also explain how it all came about in baby German as part 2 of the video.

I'm recovering very well. I'm eating and sleeping very well. Thanks for all your concern.

It was great to see Grammy and Memere this weekend.

Now everyone knows who needs to know, and so for the record I'm going to be a big Brother the end of April. Sweet huh?

Well I guess that's about it.
Over and Out!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I'm back home!

I had my surgery on Friday. Everything went as planned, surgery went well. I spent the night at the hospital last night and was discharged today. It's really nice to be home. I'm sleeping in my own bed. I'll be laying low for a while, just mom and I staying home and hanging out for a week at least.
Maybe we'll have a photo or video session or something.

Thanks for the pooch Memere, the box was at home when I got home. It must have come on Friday. Cute card.

I love you all!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!

What a BBQ filled fun long weekend.

Mom and Dad had a friends BBQ on Saturday. I got to hang out with 2 of my dog friends: Jett and Kona. Good times.
Sunday we went to VT to (mom's) Mon Oncle Francis for a Campbell BBQ. It was great to see everyone. Last time was Easter. I got to hang out with mom's cousin Noah who is almost 2. We spent the night at Grampies. Grampie and Nona gave me a tricycle for my birthday. I loved to play in the box it came in. I will be a master tricyclist soon. On Monday we went to Great Grammies for a Lafont BBQ. It was great to have some family fun. I got to hang out with Mia again. We walked all over the place together. She's 2 months older than me. I guess not much to report, nothing too crazy happened.

There will be a few photo's to upload from the fun.
I went to play at Caroline Cole's on Wednesday. It was so fun to see her again. We had a fun lunch date. You can see by the one photo that Caroline is not psyked that I wanted to climb into her lap.