Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weekend at Memere's

This weekend we went to Memere's.

We drove up Friday night. I had fun scoping it out when we arrived.

Saturday was a nice day, we walked to see the Lamas and the neighbors dog. I got to eat fresh picked black raspberries. I couldn't get enough. But Memere loved to feed them to me. We swum in the pool. On Sunday we took a walk in the woods, had a snack outside on the blanket, played some sports. It was a great just hanging out weekend. I'm walking all over the place these days. Memere calls me 'video Adley' since I am quite the video clip man.

Not too much to report. There are a few photo's but none of Memere or Papa King.

(I have another tooth, we're up to 3 on top and 3 on bottom.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm Walking

I'm a walking baby!!! If you don't believe me check out my video!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July Week!

Boy did I have a fun 4th of July week. See Dad's sweet photos.

We went up to Pottersville NY where Aunt Liz and Uncle Ben live. It's on Schroon Lake, very beautiful.
We went up Monday and chilled out Monday evening.
Tuesday we climbed Mt. Severance. It's a 1.2 mile hike up 800 ft. It was a piece of cake in the baby back pack. We had some fun snacks at the summit. After a nap we went to a tree preserve where there were 350 yr old spruces. The biggest was called Grandmother Tree. She was HUGE. Then we BBQ'ed. and called it a day.
Wednesday we went to Fort Ticonderoga. I loved the music show. And the history of course. The gardens there were great. Then we BBQ'ed again...I love it. It started pouring so we didn't do anything 4th of Julyish. We stayed in and took out Chinese Food....Yum Yum.
Thursday we visited Aunt Liz on the Word of Life's a very special Island. I took my first ferry ride over to check it out. Over 400 kids go to camp there for the week. Pretty sweet spot. We had lunch over there. Then we went to Shroon Manor...a State park with 'Manor' ruins and a sweet beach and picnic area for swimming. Mom and I swam for a while than we just played on the blanket. Back to the place for a nap. Then we took out some food and ate in a park. Then back to the very special island for a boat ride. Uncle Ben took us out on the Lake. Boy was that fun. I made some pretty sweet faces and was the bomb. Then some ice cream and back home.
Friday we headed out early to come home. It was a great weekend.

I have another tooth with another one just under the skin. That's 4 for those of you who are not keeping track. :)

Love you All!!!!