Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Can Crawl!!

So today I figured out how to reach things out of my immediate arm span; I discovered crawling. It's the best thing. Let me tell you how it happened. There was this crocodile xylophone toy that I wanted really bad, and my girlfriend Leah was playing with it. So I got on all fours and rocked a bit, but I really wanted to get it. Everything started to come together and I was able to make some ground. And success!! I was closer to the toy and my girlfriend. I've since done it a few times. It's still a bit awkward but mom praises me every step so I must be doing it right. I'm sure there will be a video clip to commemorate this wondrous occasion.

Just wanted you all to know!!

Now there's a video, check it out!!


Taunte Didea said...

Congratulations!! Keep up the good work. Two more weeks and I can see for myself just how good you are doing!

************************************ said...

Woo Hoo!!! Go Adley!!! Now you can chase after Jake when he takes your toys!

Anonymous said...

My Little Buddy, we'll make sure that we let you try out your new technique when you come visit us next week!!!! Can't wait...
Love you, Memere & Papa King