Saturday, September 14, 2024

Packers game day

 They won 45-6

Jeremiah caught 2 interceptions, almost 3 but his flags fell off and needed to be taped.  He ran half the field for a touchdown - his flag was pulled right near the end zone.  But he caught the next pass for a touchdown.

Go Packers!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

First JV game

 Nathanael played a lot!!

Go #4!

(We lost 40(something) to 6), but the weather was fantastic, just a nice night out!

#4 is lining up tight end.

#4 is running left WR.  He caught a sweet catch. (Not on this play).

He played offense, defense and special teams.
Great day!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Let's go Packers!

 Jeremiah had his first flag football practice tonight!

Beautiful night for practice!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Big guys in school

 Well these are my lame back to school photos for the big guys.  To make it official!

