Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!


Our pumkins invite the trick or treaters for snacks!

Our Spider man and Viking had a chilly but Good night!

Jeremiah Annual Physical

 This guy had a doctor appoinment on Halloween.  

He is 5' 5" - in the 93% and grew 2 inches this year. He is taller than Nathanael was by 2 inches, and taller than Adley was by 3 inches.

He's 119 lbs - in the 80% and grew 15lbs this year. Nathanael weighed 6lbs more than him at his 12 year checkup, and Adley weighed 23lbs less ....(wow!)

A good check up!

Pumpkin Time!! (Just in time! :) )


I got Dudes with Knives!!

They did thier own - so fun.
Dave took the photos of the pumpkins light up - so we'll see those soon.

These jumbo pumkins are ready for tonight!
Nathanael made the minecraft spooky face on the left, Jeremiah the gooblin face in the middle and Adley - Go Bills!!

Jeremiah and Nathanael will be trick or treating tonight!
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Franklin Pierce University Tour (Saturday)

 What a great little school in the 'woods' of Rindge New Hampshire. They have Division 2 sports - and Adley, as a potentail Communications Major, got to meet the students in the sky box at the Saturday home football game:

He went up and chatted with them a little before the game.

We were in the media room before the game until half time.  Their media group does a fantasic job.  The gal in charge of the cameras was talking to all 4 camera people on her head set coordinating what was 'streamed'. The three gentlemen in suit coats gave a fantastic, well informed comentary on the game.   What a cool experience!

Tours are Cool!