Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fun Things

 We've been enjoying some field trips - Adley has been enjoying some Tennis!

Adley serving at a meet at Lowell Tech

American Heritage Museum was AWESOME!  It covered US wars and the war machines and tons of information.  

Tanks from WWII!

This is later in WWII 

We ordered some caterpillars to make Butterflies

Three have made their chrysalis.  Stay tuned for some painted lady butterflies in this place!

Fun Stuff

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

First Tennis Match!!

 Adley really enjoyed his first tennis match.  (We did not win at all).  We had 7 members on our team to the visitors 25. (So their team played many games of doubles with themselves on our 4 courts.)  BUT, Mr. Adley is number 1 on our team, so he played their best guy. (He lost 2 matches - but in that he won some games.)  We play this team again on Wednesday...

That's Adley in the blue polo on our side of court 1.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

May the 4th be with you!


This is one of Dave's 550 piece puzzles when he was young.  We started it on the 4th.... and after all these years only missing 7 pieces...

May the force be with you!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Party Day

 This guy had a great afternoon with his buddies celebrating 13 years!

Pizza lunch in the back yard

A laser tag place with an arcade. 
Some afternoon backyard fun!

Adley and his buddy were taking silly videos - Adley was wearing his Marshmallow costume, and his buddy had one of his duct tape knight helmets.  Silly Dude!

Everyone Had FUN!
(Jeremiah went to a buddy's house.)