Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Eve of Christmas Eve!

 It's snow fort time! (That and we are expected to have 50 degrees and rain all day Christmas day! :( )

Jeremiah's precious snowman with a troll nose.

Adley hurdling the snow fort while getting pelted with snowballs.

Adley is a Behemoth!  He lugged some heavy big balls we made in the front lawn.

Here is the fort!  Our best one yet on square footage!

Happy Snowy Christmas!

Report Cards are OUT!


I just took a photo of his card.  All A's, what a good job he has done this Trimester!
High School Man!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas FUN! Take 1!

 What a FUN day at Uncle Dan's for our first Christmas Celebration of the year!

There was LOTS of food.  Fun times in all the snow!  Then presents of course.  But there was a Gingerbread house competition!!  Look at all this action - 4 houses in the works.

Look at all of us go!

These 3 dudes took the speedy decorative approach.

Aunty Halley really rocked her house and she took some nice time on it!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Science Fair

 Nathanael collecting data for his science fair project, a candle carousal.  

The experiment had 4 candles as the top measurement....why have 4 when you can have 8!  It was challenging to count the RPM at 8!  But we succeeded in our goal. 

The Science Buddy

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Up goes the ICE RINK!

 We're excited for skating time, we're putting the rink up today!

We will fill it Monday night!  The weather will be COLD all week - who knows maybe skating Saturday...but that could be a little wishful thinking!

Today is a nice 55 degrees!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Adley James 14 year old Doctor Visit

 Adley had his annual doctor visit, he is 136 lbs (78th %), up 22 lbs from last year, and 5ft 10in (92nd %), up 4 inches from last year.  He has one more inch to be as tall as Dave.

And - fun fact!  Nashoba will do basketball...this tall guy is ready!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Gingerbread Men!

 Jeremiah was excited about making some gingerbread men this year. Our first time.

First we had to do solve the where have the cookie cutters gone?  Well we were unsuccessful in that adventure - so we took a trip to Target for the $1 cutters.  (Now we're ready for sugar cookies next week.)  I made a new icing to put on the was a little 'wetter' than I had hoped for.

Jeremiah is doing a great job with 'runny' icing.

So, these are our beautiful creations.  I feel like they are so 2020!
The boys say they taste GOOD!

The cookie monsters

Saturday, December 5, 2020

So this is Christmas!

 We hung our beautiful wreath!

The boys put up the little tree: (and lit it!)

The boys were excited to put lights in their bedrooms.  They found all the extras..

Merry Christmas!

It's snowing now - 10 inches are's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We put up our big tree today!


Thanksgiving 3!

 We had a BLAST when the Parsons came over Wednesday to Friday to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Grandma even came over briefly for Friday morning enjoyment.  It rained all Thanksgiving, but we did get our football on Friday!

Cousin's VS. adults (+ Isaac)


Happy Thanksgiving!