Monday, July 20, 2020

And Another!

And today was another gorgeous day at the ocean beach with friends!  We tried another beach.  We are really expanding our beach repertoire.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Another beach day!

Today was amazing weather with amazing friends!

Happy beach fun!

Monday, July 6, 2020

First Beach Day! and more

Today - 7/6 our first beach day of the season.  Hampton state park!  (Tomorrow we're meeting a couple families at another beach. I think we'll adventure to the ocean more this summer.)

Adley climbing like a monkey in the back yard one campfire evening!

A fun woods walk with exercise stops... Adley was our only dude who climbed the rope ladder to the top.

This is a tricep worker - dips - but the dudes all sat for a photo.

The Dudes