Sunday, March 29, 2020

They Got it Down!

The boys have been working on this job for a few weekends.  They finally knocked it down yesterday!

Jeremiah 'hatcheting' away.  The boys bow sawed a little, and hand ripped most of the bark off already.

Time to push!

Longer legs - keep pushing!

Put that weight on it!!!



Nathanael's Physics Project!

Want to check out his final Physic's project!  It took a FEW goes to make it all run through. 
He had to have at least 3 simple machines - and it had to take more than 5 seconds.  The whole class did a great job, we watched each others videos on Friday. 

The Science dude

Monday, March 16, 2020

Maple FUN!

We made it up to Memere and Papa King's for some Maple time!
A very delicious time!

The Maple Dudes