Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday Fun

Grandpa came up to work with Dad on the porch.  This is what we were up too!
We grilled some lunch in the back yard (it was cold and almost snowing - but we wanted something warm for our workers.
Then we found a candle pin bowling place .5 miles from our apartment, Grandma was on the fun team.
Nathanael and Mom tied for first place!

Adley played his first playoff game and won, so he moves on.  Next game Sunday at 7pm.  He played great - made a 3 point shot - he was pleased!

Then back to the house to feed the crew some meatball subs.  We got to eat in our 'new dinning room.'
The young crew was a tad hungry before the hard workers had finished - so they had first dibs.

What a fun day. (The weather was quite cool - we are thankful now to be in our warm apartment for the night.)
Love - the explorer kids!

Snow Camp

Jeremiah and Mom went to the cousins for Word of Life Snow Camp.  What a fun weekend! (The big guys all had a fun weekend too - Nathanael did the polar plunge, they sled using big tubes, tubes that can fit 6 people!!)
Friday Night, I got my name badge!!

I tried snowboarding with my cousins in their back yard. (They are very good! :) )

Uncle Ben pulled us in sleds with the snow machine

At camp - there is a free hot cocoa bus.  We are enjoying our cocoa - chillin' it in the snowbank like a cup holder.

This slide was so fun and fast and far.  We sled so far out into the lake - we went all the way to the hay bales that stop you! (This is Jeremiah & Ethan.  Mom and Levi rode together)

The kids did the camp challenges and got some free Word of life prizes!
What a blast!
The snow buddies

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

President's Day Party

We have an annual tradition, the day after Presidents day, to have a celebration.  We bring themed food, we brought "Ham and Cheester A. Arthur" ham & cheese melted biscuits.  There was so much yummy food to munch.
Everyone presented something presidential:
Jeremiah was George Washington

 Nathanael shared about Thomas Jefferson

Adley shared about Abraham Lincoln

This is the dude crew, there were some more students at the party.
What a wonderful presidential time with friends.

Saturday is a moving day!

These Dudes sure moved a LOT of stuff.  Such big helpers!  The moving day was so successful. Thanks for all the help!

Maybe settling into our new home!
We tried a new pizza place, when in Billerica

The mover buddies