Monday, December 30, 2019

VT Christmas!

What a fun VT Christmas!

We drove up to Memere's and Papa Kings Friday for lunch.  It was a rainy day - so we opened some presents, played games and watched movies.  Saturday we went sledding in the morning, played music and hung out.  Early afternoon we're off to Grampies.  We played some games, and opened presents.  Sunday we got our sledding on.  Adley got to watch some football and we got to play more games.
Have a Happy New Year!

the Christmas Buddies

Monday, December 23, 2019

Cookie Making

We made our signature sugar cookies on Friday!  As sweet as ever!

Saturday we had a couple basketball games, then off to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas.  We even got to sing Happy Birthday to Grandma - with a nice big cake!

Sunday was nice and relaxing after church.

Today - our Solar Panals are coming OFF - and the Contractor says we begin after Christmas!!! (Directly after....a few days after...a month after.  We shall see. :)  But he tends to be more punctual than long distant in his estimations.)

Happy Eve of Christmas Eve!

Love, The Boys

Monday, December 16, 2019

Gingerbread Men!

This dude was excited to make some Gingerbread men with mom on Sunday afternoon.  There will be more cookies made this week.  Tis the Season.

Christmas Time is HERE!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Go Cavs!!

Look at our 24 on the court!  Jeremiah had a great time.  The first part was a bunch of drills, the last 30 minutes was a game. 
The Thunder will have a 5pm game today.

The B-Ball Boys

Friday, December 13, 2019

Boston Fun!

Thursday we dropped Adley off at CC for his mid year exams - followed by a party, and Nathanael Jeremiah and I went into Boston.  We took the subway into the Harvard Natural History Museum.  That was a nice trip.
The rock room was really cool - there were so many animal rooms.  This was the largest BONE creature.
We had lunch at Dunkin Donuts.
We went to Altitude the Trampoline place.

On Friday we went to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston for their homeschool program.  Another fun day - where we get a little culture.

Next week looks more low key - low on school, baking cookies and wrapping presents.  :)

The fun boys!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas tree time!

At the tree farm getting our tree today!
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday is a basketball day!

Go Thunder!
Look at our #5!

It was a close game, but the Thunder came out on top.  There was a last minute schedule change for the Clippers I missed, so Jeremiah's first game will be next week.
The b-ball dudes!