Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Special Karate Day!

Each family at our regular karate session - got a family special class time with their Karate Instructor.  The boys did great - and had a fun time.
They got to do lots of fun different things.

The 3 Karate Chops

Friday, May 17, 2019

Medieval Knights Jousting Competition!

So this happened today!  My fearless nights - Sir James and Sir John battled it out on our street in full attire.  I've also got a video for more enjoyment.  

Wow - what a great afternoon!
The Brave Knights

Baseball Season Has Begun!

It was a beautiful sunshiny Thursday afternoon, and our baseball season was kicked off!
Jeremiah had a birds eye view!  (Literally)

Adley's fielding 3rd and Nathanael's fielding second.
A fun start to the season!
The baseball dudes
(While we watch lots of Hockey on TV - Go Bruins!!!!)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Awana Awards Night

The boys worked hard all year to finish their AWANA books.
Jeremiah finished his 3rd year of Sparkies - and completed the 3 books.  He earned the wall plaque.  Next year he will be in Truth in Training.

Adley finished his first year of Trek.  He finished his first book in this 7th-8th grade level.

Nathanael finished his 3rd book of the Truth in Training program - he earned the Challenge Award.

Until next year!
The Bible Buddies

Monday, May 13, 2019

Welcome Red Fin!

We had to say goodbye to our old fish Scribly.  Welcome Adley's new addition Red Fin (The long orange one - the other blurry swimming fish also looking orange is Color Fest.)
So now we have 2 in the tank again.
Happy Fish!

Maritime Gloucester Field Trip

We had a blast at this place in the fall.  And now Jeremiah is old enough to be in a class.
The kids scaled the rocks before the event began.

Nathanael started with an invasive species lesson on crabs.

Jeremiah got to explore sea stars.

The touch tank is one of the highlights of this place.
Adley enjoyed as well - mom wasn't in all places at the same time!
The Nautical Buddies

Fun Saturday!

There was a youth BBQ, where Nathanael got to join the youth kids for a welcome 5th graders! Come and join the fun!  He was so excited.  Jeremiah and Mom had a very nice afternoon, biking, playground, went to get ice cream and finished at the beach.  The weather has been cool, and we're talking a maybe 68 degree day.  But Jeremiah and his buddies all went in the pond...a few times!

Bring on the warm!
The wet buddy

Who Fired First?

We had a fun field trip to Concord MA - to find out "Who Fired First?"  The question was not answered but we got to explore the writings of the start of the Revolutionary war - and tour the battle green.  So fun.  We read a few first hand accounts of the battle day - to discover if we could figure out the answer.  The British said the Colonists fired first - while the Colonists say the British.  It was a beautiful spring day as we walked over the battle green.  Where the British  marched in, where the minute men lined up.  The few houses that would have surrounded the green.  A very cool historical day.  We finished at this monument with some beautiful spring flowers.  Mom couldn't resist a photo.
The History Buddies

Monday, May 6, 2019

Finally, a Sunny Day!

We celebrated by agreeing to go walk with mom at the Acton Arboretum as an early mother's day present.
The bog boardwalk was fun.

There were so many sweet spots for a snack.
What better way to finish off a warm 60 day (we've been stuck in the 40's low 50's and clouds for a week,) then a water gun fight!
Mom put out a target, but we are all 3 soaked!
Fun Dudes

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happy Birthday Party Nathanael!

A fun day to party with buddies!
Nathanael had 4 friends over for pizza lunch!

Backyard Nerf Fights - and Nathanael built the cool fort tube system he got as a present. 

OK, first fort was OK!

He had a Minecraft Theme party - these are Creepers...as requested.

Happy Birthday!

A 55 degree day is perfect for a dude water gun fight!

The Happy Birthday Dude!

Fall Flag Football!

WOW, We were filling out the registration form for the Fall Flag Football league, and adjusting the height and weight from last year.

Adley was 84lbs last year and 106 lbs this morning..... 5ft 4in (3 inches from mom)
Nathanael was 78lbs last year and 99 lbs this morning....5ft (and a half inch.)
Jeremiah was 58lbs last year and 67 lbs this morning....4ft 6in.

Wow, I know they grow - but dang that is a lot of GROWTH.
My sweet Growing Boys!