Saturday, April 27, 2019

Happy Birthday Nathanael!

We've got an 11 year old in the house.  Photo's to follow.
But look at what this Birthday Boy has been up to today!

He's getting the hang of this!
The Birthday Buddy

Friday, April 19, 2019

Cousin Fun!

What a blast we've had from Tuesday to Today!  Lot's of DUDE time! Let's go backward in time.
Sunday we went to church in the morning, then to the cousins for Easter fun.
Saturday was a low key rain day.
Friday night, we had a real fun ultimate Frisbee time. 
Friday was the Best Warm Day - so yes - water gun fight time.  A blast this afternoon after fun bike rides in the morning and a walk to a playground.

On Thursday we finished the day with a painting class at the library. (Pointillism - done by some. :) ) Adley is Fortnite and Nathanael is blue (I've not asked what it is.)  Jayden and Owen are the top artists. 

Nathanael introduced Owen to the Mincraft books at the Library.  They took a bunch of books out.

On Thursday we went to the Park before the Library.  How many dudes can sit in this spinning thing when the big guys spin it crazy.  What a super fun time.

On Thursday Morning we took a walk at the Old Limestone Quarry in Chelmsford.  The rocks and caves are so cool!

Jeremiah took a few photos in a few of the caves - here is a favorite.

On Wednesday we went to a playground in the morning, then Wendy's for lunch.  They enjoyed some time running around church while mom had a meeting.  

Tuesday we picked up the cousins in Worcester.  We brought them to our house for a bit, until they joined us as guests at AWANA - our Cake Night program.  We took home 5 8 inch frosted cakes.  We've been doing a good job eating them up.

So much fun so far!
The Dudes

Thursday, April 11, 2019

What a Fun Trip to Memere's and Papa Kings!

We came up Wednesday for lunch.  First thing we noticed!  New beds in a new room.  

This is AWESOME!!
We celebrated a dude's 8th birthday!
We did many maple things!  Sugar on snow, raised donuts in warm syrup, drinking sap from the lines!

Going up to VT was like going back in time.  Look at all this winter!  

What a fun Adventure, as always!
The Maple Dudes

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Melrose Symphony Orchestra

Nathanael and Jeremiah and mom went to a fun Orchestra performance today - with an instrument show and tell.  Nathanael liked the Oboe the best.

This Oboe player was great.  (Nathanael wants to play the Oboe!)

He even got some Tuba time!

Cello too!  There was a long line on the Bass.

This conductor was super funny.  They played Star Wars music last, and he has a Darth Vader hat on. What a fun afternoon!
(Jeremiah didn't want to try any instruments.... I don't know why.)
The Musicians.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Wow Adley James!

Check out what this guy worked on today!!

He's cruising.  Best run was 7 revolutions!!
Go Adley!!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Classical Conversations Big Finish!

These boys had a great year at our new homeschool, Classical Conversations!
These guys performed their Faces of History by dressing as a character and sharing the paper they wrote on these figures in history.  They did great!

Nathanael was King Tut, Their friend Ezra was a Samurai and Adley was Alexander the Great!

The Ancient History Dudes