On Thursday we went up to Memere's and Papa Kings - and we had a BLAST!
First, we had a lot of super heavy wet snow to shovel. Mom asked for gentlemen with muscles - and we reported for duty.
We made LOTS more of these great paper monsters!
We enjoyed a snowshoe challenge. (Yes, mom wrote this - we made it tiny bit before calling it done and going back home.) Mom enjoyed a snow shoe challenge - this day and the following day.
We got to taste the drips of the first maple harvest. Just a few drops of sap late Friday afternoon. YUM!!
We got to see the Lego Movie 2 - it was so awesomely good. We've been talking about how much we enjoyed it often.
Memere has HUGE snowbanks. We made a mega snow fort. We hope it lasts until we return for the Maple Sauna soonish.
The Winter Buddies