Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Wow Gymja Gym Videos!

Will these work?  We don't know - I'm going to give them another try.
Look at these sweet Ninjas!
In the way back, Nathanael is going to jump from that high platform onto the mat in front of him.

Ha, Jeremiah too - in the back jumping to the mat!

The Ninja Gymers

Monday, February 25, 2019

Presidents Day Party!!

We have a fun tradition on Presidents Day to celebrate at the Websters! Each student prepares a little something presidential to share.
Jeremiah made finger puppets - a Lincoln and a Washington - complete with penny face for Lincoln and Quarter face for Washington.

Adley shared about Adlai Stevenson who ran for president 2 times and lost - twice against Eisenhower. 

Nathanael sang a song of the Presidential last names in order.

What a great day of fun, food and friendship!
The Presidential Dudes

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Ropes Course Fun!

The Parsons gave us a gift card to this ropes course at Christmas!  Boy did we have a blast.

Check out those 2 dudes way up there!

Jeremiah - doing it like a champ!

Nathanael scooting across so easy.

Adley Zip Line!

Jeremiah Zip Line!

Nathanael motion Zip Line!

Jeremiah scooting up above.
After 2 hours on the zip line we enjoyed a burger dinner.
The Zippy Guys


On Thursday we went up to Memere's and Papa Kings - and we had a BLAST!

First, we had a lot of super heavy wet snow to shovel.  Mom asked for gentlemen with muscles - and we reported for duty.

We made LOTS more of these great paper monsters!

We enjoyed a snowshoe challenge.  (Yes, mom wrote this - we made it tiny bit before calling it done and going back home.)  Mom enjoyed a snow shoe challenge - this day and the following day.

We got to taste the drips of the first maple harvest.  Just a few drops of sap late Friday afternoon.  YUM!!
We got to see the Lego Movie 2 - it was so awesomely good.  We've been talking about how much we enjoyed it often.

Memere has HUGE snowbanks.  We made a mega snow fort.  We hope it lasts until we return for the Maple Sauna soonish.
The Winter Buddies

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

AWANA Grand Prix!

Another super fun AWANA racing night!

Adley ran the Bacon Car!

Nathanael ran a super speedy orange race car.

Jeremiah ran a hot dog car - and got 3rd place on design.

Here's where we race.  Such a great night!

Tuesday was a busy day.  We had a field trip to MIT for a lego gears class.  The boys had a blast - there were 17 students from or Co-Op there.  These are the dude with me on the Subway. :)

Wow, time for a woah day!
The busy fun dudes!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Nathanael Puppet Show Presentation

Didn't this guys puppets come out great?
Go Nathanael!

The class had 3 puppet performances.  Nathanael was in this one.
Fun, fun!