Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Presidential Week!

Wow, we've been having a blast!
Our Ohio friends were in town.  We had them over for a visit on Friday, we went Bowling on Saturday and on Sunday for a final evening visit.  What a blast and awesome to see them.  We got 7 inches of snow on Sunday!

Happy Presidents Day Monday - a great 55 degree day.  We were enjoying the out of doors.

Our homeschool friends have a Presidents day party after Presidents day, where we all bring something to share/present.  Jeremiah wanted some George Washington jokes (Adley was George).  George read the jokes and Jeremiah shared the answer, if the friends didn't' get it.  Some were quite cheesy, and would not be guessed.  So fun.

Nathanael interviewed George Washington, a fun script we found online.

Pools open! Ice rink closed! We had a 75 degree day! This was  the best rink draining day ever.
Cool water tricks!

Boogie boards - so fun.


We took out the bikes once pool time was over.  Jeremiah did great on his bike. I think he's ready.

And we finished off with a cone from Friendlies.

What a fabulous week!
The fun guys

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

AWANA Grand Prix!

What a blast!
Adley ran a carrot and Nathanael ran a Minecraft mine cart.  The boys both had a couple first place runs.
Jeremiah with his trophy, hammerhead shark and Great Wolf Lodge hair.

So fun,
The racers

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Wow, we've been busy having lots of fun.
Sunday night was an intense evening of football, (the first half of the game with our Eagle fan friends - we went home after halftime, and we're glad for it. :) )
Monday we were off to Great Wolf Lodge. Another super fun wet time on the slides.  Nathanael and Jeremiah did the super drop ride and loved it. (Adley and Dad did it once the first trip.  Mom has still declined.)
Tuesday was the Awana Grand Prix for Jeremaiah's age.  He had a hammerhead shark car.  It got first place in a couple of heats.  No speed trophies there, but he got first place trophy for design.  He and DAD did a great job.
Wednesday morning Jeremiah lost his first tooth.

We'll have to get some pics up soon!

The busy buddies!