Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ninja Warriors

Watch out, we'll be the next Ninja Warriors.  We are joining a ninja club - we had our first tryout today.  The photo's are blurry, because we're so fast....
Here's Jeremiah running the quintuple step.

Here's Nathanael flying through the quintuple step. 

Here's Adley tackling the 8 foot wall.  He also scrambled up the 10 foot wall twice.

Boy what a blast - we can't wait to go back next week.  This will be 5 weeks of ninja warrior madness.
The ninjas

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

More Snow Fun!

Look what we made today?  The snow was so sticky - and we used a pallet for the roof (plus more snow).  We're excited for 20 degrees tonight to ice it up. :)

Winter wonderland!
The snow buddies

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bomb Cyclone!

A bomb cyclone will not slow us down.  Have winter - will skate!
The Future Bruin's Dudes

Awesome Christmas Adventures!

Christmas Eve we celebrated with friends at our house before going to Christmas Eve service.  Christmas morning we woke up at 6:15 for present time.  The snow was falling like crazy outside, while we build more Lego sets.  We shoveled out our new 7 inches of snow before heading off to the cousins house.  We celebrated Christmas evening at the Parsons with more presents and fun.  All the boys had new Christmas Jammies to wear. 

The 26th was COLD - but me made it outside for some fun.  Uncle Ben has a snowmobile and two sleds tied to the back.  We rode 4 cousins in the back and Levi with his Dad.  What a blast - tipping over and going over the jump.  On the 27th, even colder, but we made it out for another snowmobile run.  Then we were off to Memere's for more adventure.  We did fun presents in the evening and games. The 28th was COLD, but we had a blast sledding and snowshoeing.  It was great to see the new sugaring lines all set up for the maple sauna this March.  That afternoon we saw the Ferdinand Movie - very cute and enjoyed some Chinese Food at our favorite buffet.   The 29th was cold again, but we enjoyed our new Christmas toys.  That afternoon we're off to Grampies.  We had a fun time of more presents and games that night. 

On the 30th - it was above freezing, so we enjoyed some more sledding.  Then we were off home.

On New Years Eve we enjoyed church in the morning and playing with our Christmas things all afternoon.  We watched the Star Wars Movie #7 that we got for Christmas with the anticipation of watching number #8 New Years Day.  We cheered New Years at 9:00 - not too bad.

New Years Day more Christmas things fun - and the new movie.  It was very good!!

What a BIG adventure but so fun.

The Christmas Buddies