Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Day of School!!

We had a great first day of school on the 29th.
Jeremiah saw many friends on Facebook with cool first day of school signs so he made one today. (Day 2 actually but he's going with first day.)

This is my happy guy on day 2 - not wanting a sign but excited to be learning how to's on a computer.  It's the best.

This is my football star, posing for a great first day of school photo as well as showing off his uniform.  He had his first flag football practice Tuesday evening.  His first game is the Saturday after Labor Day!  He is so excited.  

We're feeling the school vibe.
The Happy Students

Monday, August 21, 2017

Even More Fun!

On Saturday we went to Dad's work party.  There was an AWESOME ropes course there and we did tons of stuff.
Here are the ladders that Adley and Nathanael had to teamwork to the top.  Jeremiah decided he didn't want to go, so Dave did it by himself.

Here is Adley ziplineing over mom's head.

Here is Nathanael climbing the super tree to zipline. 

Here is Jeremiah ziplineing over mom's head.

Here is Nathanael ziplining over mom's head.  Dad took some cool video's - mom's having trouble sending them here- we'll have to show you in person. :)
Adley finally got his Christmas present on the wall.  He's had the football flags - now he has a felt wall to display them and move them around (velcro) as the Sunday football games approach. 
Monday was a fun Solar Eclipse day - we had 70% coverage.
Here is our space observation station.
And a pic.  What a fun day!

The zipping space buddies

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Birthday Party Fun!

I was going to go for a Mario Birthday - I had my cupcake mushrooms all picked out.  However, once at the Party Store I found a football section and changed my mind.  We had an Atlanta Falcons party!  Mom said she didn't really like how her falcon logo's came out on the cupcakes, but I liked them a lot.
I had my party at the pool.  We had pizza.

We swam a lot.

And had cake and ice cream.  I had a super fun day.

Thanks for all the birthday fun!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Summer Fun!

Wow, it's been a while since our last post - but we've been having a blast.

Hiking a mountain with friends.

We had a fun week of VBS!
We had a super trip up to Isle La Motte with Memere & Papa King and the aunts uncles and cousins.  What a blast.  We drove up Friday late afternoon.  Saturday morning was the International Duct Tape Regatta.  Check out Adley's boat.  He did awesome.  It was quite tippy but he managed to keep it afloat 3/4 of the way then dragged it the rest to finish.

The rest of vacation was swimming, biking, fishing and fun.  

Then Monday Adley turned 11!!!!

He had swimming lessons in the morning, and his swimming class sang happy birthday to him while treading water in the 10 feet dive well.  He got a fishing pole for his birthday and was so excited.  Dave was home for the day since our hot water heater died while on vacation and leaked a fair amount of water in the basement, so he was home installing the new one.  (We're good with hot water now.)  Nathanael was so excited about fishing he asked mom to take him to Walmart to buy him a pole with his extra birthday money.  
We went to fish in the pond.  

The boys found worms in the back yard.  But, the hooks were too big for the fish in the pond and the worms were a bit small for sticking on the hook, but a fun time was had practicing casting. 
Happy Birthday Adley!