Thursday, June 29, 2017

Even More Fun Stuff!

On Friday the 23 we did a Lowell Canal boat tour.  (How fun we just had a field trip about the mills.)

In the Historical Park the boys drove the trolley. :)

Adley was a hard working Irish immigrant. 

Here is the water level change in the canal, about 5 feet.  It was amazing.  The boat tour was neat.
On Monday the 26th we went to a Spinners Game - we lost 9 to 4.  The weather was nice - the boys got to stay up until 10:00 - everyone was excited.  
If you stay until the end of the game kids get to run the bases.  We stayed for that.
Wednesday the 28th - Dad took the day off of work and we hiked Mount Monadnock.  This is a BIG one, 3000 footer 5 miles round trip.  The boys did great.

It was very BREEZY at the top where we had lunch.

And back down again.  

Happy Summer!
The busy guys

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Look Who Lost his Fingernail!

I got a dead nail after looking under rocks for worms for mom's garden.  One big rock rolled back on my finger.  Finally the nail is off.  I realized today it was hanging by a thread, and mom told me to wiggle it, just like a loose tooth.  It came right off. (I've not lost a tooth yet - so this is like practice.)

Now Ma Taunte Andrea and I are even more kindred spirits: lost a nail and 10 lb. babies.

Love, Jeremiah

Monday, June 12, 2017

Schools Out For SUMMER!!

We finished our little bit of school Friday the 10th- we' are all DONE!

The weather finally warmed up - Sunday was a great day at the POOL!

Monday we went on a field trip to the Lowell Boot Mills Historic National Park with our Home School Friends.
First we took the trolley to the museum with the BIG metal turbine that powered the mills.  Then we played with gears...

Pulley's and Belts as well as Cams.  Then we got to see a cotton mill working making fabric.  

Then we had a water power workshop - Nathanael created a canal system 

Adley checked the energy output of 4 different types of water wheels.  A super fun day was had.  It was really hot - Jeremiah was at a buddies house who has a pool.  After the field trip we joined him there to play in the pool.  We're so glad that summer is here!
The Water Scientists 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Fun Things

Monday we had a nice Memorial Day, bundled up in pants, fleece & wind breaker in case it rained.  We had friends over so it was fun.

It's been a mostly rainy week, except for today.  So we enjoyed it.
Baseball in the morning.  That's Adley at bat.

And the pool in the afternoon.  The water was 66 degrees, but they swam/dove for their ring toys for like 10-15 minutes.  Mom was very impressed. We were the only ones there. 

The still waiting for summer to show up guys!