Thursday, May 25, 2017

We had a BUSY & FUN week!

This week Adley and Nathanael did standardized testing- lets see how well mom has been teaching them.  So we were up, dressed, with backpack & snacks to our church for three days this week by 8:45. I'm not sure how school kids do this everyday. But we did it and the kids did great.(So no 'homeschool' this week. The kids loved that.)

So we had playdates on Tuesday, and our AWANA awards.  The boys all finished their books this year and got special awards for that.

Wednesday was baseball day. Another fun time.

Thursday a mom friend did some fun science.
Slowly but surely we'll finish off our school year.  We'll have fun on the journey.

The Fun Guys

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Watatic Hike today!

What a beautiful hiking day!

With these sweet hiking men!
The hiking buddies!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

First Beach Day!

We're just finishing up a little school before we go to the beach.  This school room is pretty great this time of year.

We're living the dream.  We love this beach before they put the buoy's in.  Once in we can only go up to our armpits. 

Love the summer time boys!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

An Afternoon Walk

Jeremiah, Nathanael and Mom enjoyed a walk this afternoon.  We took a photo shoot at the Chelmsford Water District flower garden. A very nice afternoon for a walking adventure.  (We took so many photo's.  Mom had to only upload a few favorites.

The two sweet nature dudes


Sparks got first place (Jeremiah), and the TnT'ers got 2nd place (Adley & Nathanael).
So many fun events, here is Jeremiah on the balloon toss through the legs and the last person gets to pop it with their bum. 

Sparks got first place!

Here is one of the events, a relay - that's Nathanael passing off to their buddy Eliot, Adley is on deck. There were so many fun events.  
These guys got second place.  
The AWANA buddies

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Life is Good!

We've got ice cream, Lego's and baseball.  It's a kids dream.
We had a HOT Friday, which was deserving of some delicious ice cream.

Tuesday, Memere came to visit.  We had a BLAST. The Walkie Talkies are the BEST. We went and built race cars at the Lego Build.  We're driving them down the escalator. 

Our first Co-Op baseball today.  Adley just hit the ball and is on his way to first.

Sweet Nathanael and his buddy Isaiah are taking it easy in the outfield. (He hit and scored as well, however I missed the photo.  He went from 2nd to home so fast.)

Adley taking off from 3rd to score a run as well.
What a blast!  Happy Spring! 
The sporty bros.