Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Birthday Mr. 9 Years Old!

We had a nice relaxing day, light school, lots of computer time.  A win win.
The party cupcakes are ready.  These are original clone troopers, and the new paratroopers (w/some orange.)  We're ready to party on.
Another fun Star Wars party.  We had 5 friends over to play.

Yes, Star Wars masks are always fun.

Look what Dad bought the boys!!  They had a BLAST with some street hockey.  (Nathanael is on his new skates.)
Life is good!


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Cake Night!

Last night was cake night at AWANA.  Where we celebrate all the birthdays for the year.  We do a game where one person wins the grand prize, and everyone goes home with a cake.
I was the grand prize winner of the gumball cake.
WOW!  I'm so excited.

We're having cake today!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Looks Who's riding a bike!

I learned to ride my bike today!!  Check out the photo's.  Mom took a video on her phone, but has trouble taking them off and uploading them.

I went up and down Woodhead Rd.  Many times with Dad - he got lots of running in.

The little bike man!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Easter!

What a great weather week! We played in the river with our buddies!
Happy Easter - we didn't decorate eggs- we have the die but only brown eggs.  Mom was going to make something nice for Easter.  We saw some really nice sugar cookies frosted with Easter pastel colors.  The boys really wanted to make them - and as it turns out - we have a lot of red and green frosting.  But our cutters are fun.  Ducks, mushrooms, flowers...

The silly guys

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Look Who's 6!!

What a fun birthday I've had.  This Wednesday to Thursday we went maple sugaring to Memere's where I had my first birthday fun.  Then Saturday, was a snow day, so we had a great relaxing day at home, and a walk in the snowy woods. 

 On Sunday I had my buddies over for pizza, and brownies w/ice cream.  YUM and super fun.
I had a ninja theme.

It's fun to be six!