Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

We had such a wonderful Christmas so far. :)

Friday we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house.  All the cousins were there.  There was LOTS of playing, and presents.  So Much Fun!  The Parson's slept over with us for more fun Christmas Eve morning.  We made a gingerbread village we were so proud of. Cousins Village we called it.

One second after Grandma photoed our creation- we devoured it.  We left at 12:30 to head home.  We prepped for friends to come over for appetizers before Christmas Eve church at 7;00 pm.  We had a yummy blast with our friends.  We enjoyed a great church with lots of music and candle light Silent Night at the end.  We were tired Christmas Eve and went to sleep without a peep.  Christmas morning we almost got up at 5;00am, but mom sent us back to bed. Adley woke up at 6;30 ready for action, mom and dad said OK so he woke up the crew.  What a fun morning of presents and waffles.  We went to Christmas morning church.  Here's a photo with our buddies.

We played tons of games all afternoon and watched a movie before bed.  The day after Christmas and still having a Blast.  More games (we got a lot of games for Christmas - so fun.) Then we went ice sledding on the power lines.

(When you don't have snow - you do what you have to do.)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
(We are so excited for our VT Christmas next!)

The 3 Merry Boys

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Fun!

Look what Nathanael made today!

 He did a good job with all the pieces of this foam craft - it came out great.  After lunch we're off to Grandma's house for Christmas FUN!
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Ma Taunte Andreas!

We had a wonderful day going to MaTaunte Andrea's house.  We made cookies, played Pay Day, President, Football and took a walk on this chilly day.

Grampie came to enjoy with us.  What a fun day!

Yum Yum!
The cookie guys

Monday, December 5, 2016

Let it Snow!

We had our first snow today - We mean REAL snow.  So much fun!
Yummy Flakes!

Snow angel time!

It's time for kick-off!

Check out the Tee-pee we made in our backyard.
The winter boys

We Got Our TREE!

We'll decorate it tonight...stay tuned!

It's beginning to feel more like Christmas!

And just a few backyard photo's of our Saturday afternoon.
There is a ninja in mom's bushes!

Two boys playing tackle football in the backyard. 

The Christmas Guys

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Yes, we're really fancy - we went to a Home School activity time at the Museum of Fine Arts.  It was great, the art was fantastic.  We drove in and found parking - but mom said next time we'll take the Subway. :)
The artsy guys

Thanksgiving FUN!

We had such a great Thanksgiving.  The Parsons came over Wednesday night and we had a pizza party.  We had so much fun playing - and a sleep over.  Thursday morning Grandma & Grandpa came over.  Then Dad, Grandma and Auntie Bee went to run the Thanksgiving 5K.  They each came back with an apple pie.   We ate so much food on Thanksgiving, played some football in the backyard, ate some more and played a lot.  Grandpa had to work on Friday so Grandma & the Parsons stayed over night one more night.  Friday morning the guys went to the pick up football game at church.

We went over to run around in the gym for the morning.  We came home for lunch and the Parsons had to head home.
Super Super Fun!

Happy Thanksgiving!
The 3 Turkeys