Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Goldfishes!

We had a blast at our youngest Philips' cousin Corbin's first birthday party.  It was a fish themed party, and we took home 5 goldfish.  They were sitting in canning jars on our kitchen table all week.  Mom finally let us get a tank for them. (I think she thought they wouldn't make 2 days so was holding out for their demise.)  But we love our new fish. Mom can't keep all the new names straight so you'll have to wait to hear it from us. The new tank is in our bedroom on Jeremiahs dresser.  It comes with colorful lights - so it's a fish dance party all day long; red, blue and green. We are very pleased!

The fishy guys

Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Biking Camping Adventure

Was a blast!

It was a bit rainy at night, but we had a great time,  There was a really loud owl at night time though. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Fun!

After Co-Op we went to an apple orchard - but we didn't pick apples.....  We saw the animals and hung out with friends.  We did a hedge maze, and a tunnel maze, at apple cider donuts and bought some honey crisp apples.  Yum Yum! Adley enjoyed a photo shoot in the pumpkin patch just to have the same fun.

Tonight Dad and Adley drove the tandem bike packed with camping gear to Acton MA - 9 miles away.  We'll hear tomorrow how their adventure went.


The Apple Buddies

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fun Saturday!

So we split into two groups.
Adley and Dad went to the Sox game vs. the Yankees - great game with a score of 6-5 - Sox Win!
While Nathanael Jeremiah and Mom went to Parlee Farms!  The boys LOVED the pumpkin field and we took a major photo shoot. The boys wanted all the photo's here - but mom trimmed down the selection.

What a happy day!
The adventure buddies

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Look who lost ANOTHER Tooth!

Wow, here goes another one up top beside those BIG two front teeth!

Monday, September 12, 2016

10 Year Check-up

So I had my 10 year old doctors appointment today.  I'm 56.5 inches tall (in the 75th percentile - up 2.5 inches from last year.)  I'm 75 lbs (60th percentile - up 8 lbs from last year.)

I just keep growing and growing!
