Thursday, June 30, 2016

First Day of Swimming Lessons!

We had a great time at our first day of swimming lessons.  Adley and Nathanael made a buddy in their group, and Jeremiah is such a fish he got upgraded to Nathanael's level. We are excited for the next lesson.
We even went to play at a playground/river with friends today.  Who needs a break? Well we'll rest all afternoon and evening. :)

The adventurers

Memere's & Papa Kings

WOW, another super fabulous trip to Memere & Papa King's.  We hiked, swam (a lot), went down the slide a lot, biked, kayaked, and went to the Montshire Museum.  Here are a BUNCH of pics of our adventures.
The leftover granite from the quarry 6.

At the top of the lookout trail!

My scribble bot

My scribble bot

My scribble bot

My hotel - that I made and hooked up to the grid.


Biking fun - and check out that sugar house.  We're ready to boil this spring!

The adventure boys!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday!  I think you can tell a difference in who the photographer is because of this photo.  But this is such a Dave face - it's perfect!
We partied with with Boston Cream Pie & 3 colored ice cream.  (And Junior Mints too - you can see them. :) )

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Berry Picking Fun!

We're ready to pick some berries!

And we celebrate with ice cream afterwards. Bubble gum ice cream all around. (also we started the adventure with strawberry donuts.)
A Yummy & fun day!

The berry buds!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another fun beach day!

These guys are living the dream!
The beach buds!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Just a fun beach day!

This is me and my best bud!

Just us and our cousins and a sweet friend.

We swam and swam and swam all afternoon.
A super fun day!
The little fishes

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fun Stuff

Our first movie on the new couch in the basement was Star Wars: The Force awakens.  Today looks rainy - I bet we watch it again.

Adley's first stop motion Lego production. :)

The Jedi's