Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It's Party Time!

I had a star war theme party.
I had 2 buddies over with their families - which makes for 11 kids in our house. :)

We had a blast!

Just a close up of my BB-8 cupcakes that I picked.
The Birthday Man!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today I'm 8!!

Happy Birthday to ME!  We had birthday donuts!  I had Taco Tuesday for dinner - and birthday ice cream after AWANA.  That's ice cream in a waffle cone bowl.  Fun Stuff!

Tomorow is my party - so time to rest up!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Birthday Weekend Plus!!!

Wow, what a super duper fun birthday weekend (PLUS).  Grandma & Grandpa came up Friday night for some birthday fun - and a sleep over.  On Saturday I got my birthday present - a sweet new bike with gears!!!  Then Dad and Grandpa went to work.
We knocked down this wall to the basement.  We got the tarps up to keep the dust OUT.  We helped with broom & shovels to get the debris out and into the wheel barrow.  It was fun.  Then in the afternoon Grandma took us to the movies to see ZooTopia.  It was so great.  When we got home the house was looking cool.  Then we took a great FAST bike ride in the neighborhood.

When they finished the steps looked like this.  It's GREAT.  Sunday morning we went to church.  Then Grandpie and Nana came over to party in the afternoon.  We grilled burgers and dogs for lunch.  Grampie brought dunkin donuts - so I had 8 candles in my one donut to blow out.  Then we did a bike ride again - and my speed was awesome.  What a super weekend!
The Birthday Buddy

Friday, April 22, 2016

What a FAB vacation week!

Monday we enjoyed watching the Marathon while we did some school.  Adley took a great electronics/programming class Tuesday - Friday morning.   He loved it and did a lot of cool stuff.  We spend so much time with friends.  And enjoyed the warm weather so much too.

Friday - We did a great Firefly class at the Library.  Check out bug glasses.
What a Sweet Week!
Now we're onto the Birthday Week!
The Buddies

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

This boy lost another tooth!

This loose tooth was quite an adventure.  It was hung by a thread.  Mom offered me 50 cents to pull it out today, and only 25 cents tomorrow.  But it's sooooo hard to pull it out.  Then some Swedish fish were offered, also for the brothers who were encouraging and helping out.  Nathanael let Adley pull it out - it's a team effort.  Swedish fish all around.  Good effort!

AWANA Cake Night!

We made 4 cakes - and brought 3 home (one for each boy.)  Here are the not so great photos of our cake creations. :)

The 4 sweet buddies!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Happy Birthday Party Jeremiah!

Wow, what a great party.

I had 5 friends my age over, and their brothers Adley & Nathanaels age.  We had pizza, cupcakes and ice cream and lots of fun playing inside and out.  (Even though it was only 45 outside.)
Party On Dudes!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

AWANA Games!

The boys had a great AWANA games.
Nathanael is running the relay, he's the first runner - in light green.  He did a few other events but the photo's didn't turn out very great today.

Here's the sweet Sparky team.  They took 1st place out of 3 teams.

Adley is running in the relay, he's the first leg as well.  He's the kind of blurry light orange shirt guy.  Adley also did the 3 legged race, they got 2nd place.  The photo's were pretty blury there because they were going so fast.

Here is the TnT team.  They took 3rd place in the top division.  There were 9 teams competing - in 3 divisions. 
What a big fun day!
The AWANA boys

Look Who's Five!

A sweet guy turned 5.  We played at the park with friends, had pizza for dinner and ice cream sandwich w/cool whip cake.  Yum Yum!

Happy Birthday Jeremiah!