Monday, January 25, 2016

Altitude Bounce Place

Oh we got a whole lot of altitude bouncing at this great bounce place.
We battled!!

We climbed!!
Adley won - even against mom!!

This whole room is full of little trampolines to bounce on.  What a fun day. 
We'll be back to bounce again!
The Altitude Bros.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ice is Nice

Jeremiah was so excited to stand on skates and used the stick for some balance. Movement will come later - step one.
Jeremiah has awesome brothers.

Hockey sweeties!

The ice is ready for action!
The skating buds!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Star Wars Movie Day!!

Today we went and saw the new Star Wars movie on the big screen.  It was really good.
We LOVE Star Wars!

May the Force be with you!

The 3 Jedi's

Christmas III & IV

What a wonderful Christmas weekend.  We went up to Memere & Papa Kings New Years Eve.  MaTaunte Andrea & Seth were already there.  We played, and ate and opened presents.  We got so many sweet things and had a BLAST.  On Friday we went sledding, ate lunch, played games, more sledding then relaxed in the hot tub. On Saturday we were off to Grampie & Nana's.  We did even more sledding, and took a walk in the woods with a horse, goat and dog.  We've never done that before.  We opened more presents and had a BLAST playing again.  After another good sleep we sled some more, made a gingerbread house, and ate it in the same afternoon.  Then it was off home.
What a very very very very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Christmas Buddies