Monday, February 23, 2015

Snowy Monday

So the weather said it was 24 degrees outside, but it was a bit breezy.  We still went out and had a great time...afterwards mom checked, and with the wind chill it felt like 5.  Good thing we have good snow clothes.  And are such cool dudes. :)

The 2 cool dude buddies

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Library Puppet Show!

Oh man, we laughed our heads off at this puppet show at the library.  Adley even got to go up front for farmer and the dell and hold the tractor.
What a blast!
This is the 'bonus fun' when regular kids are out of school. :)

And we went with our school friends to Friendlies for ice cream afterwards.
Fun day!

The puppet guys.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Storm Neptune!

So we've got another 18 inches with winter storm Neptune.  Also all these snow dunes were added to yesterday when Daddy went on the roof and shoveled off the 3 feet of packed snow...that was a BIG job. :)
So when the snowing stops - we'll be shoveling.  But for now, it's time for a little TV.

The Nanooks of the North

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What did we do today? Yep, played in the snow!

More snow fun. Nathanael got a boost from mom, and he LOVED to jump off the stumps with Adley.  Even Jeremiah was able to trudge through the deep stuff.  And he likes to make paths on the ice with a shovel.  We're due to get another foot on Sunday...we surely need more snow.

The Inuit Eskimos 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Check out our snowbanks!!
Taller than me!


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Another Snow Storm Coming our Way!

So were due for another 18 inches of snow.  Here are some pics of our snow adventures today.

Having a fun snow time.  Now time for hot cocoa!
The Eskimos 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Go Patriots!

We had a great SuperBowl Sunday.  After church we all put on our Patriots shirts, (well mom put on one of Dads. :) ).

We played games and watched Star Wars movie.  But for the game we had fun shrimps and a personal watermelon.  And we made a bracket tracking the score for the ones place.  And we got star bursts every point change.  We love that, but it's hard when it's not fair.  Nathanael got 2, Jeremiah got 2, and Adley was getting nervous, but he then got 3 right before half time.  The next morning we got the rest of our star burst.  Adley still got the more - but it was 3 for Adley and 2 for both Jeremiah and Nathanael.

Monday we got even more snow, and Daddy got to be home with us.  More Star Wars and games.  We'll have to get out and take a picture of how high the snowbanks are, but it's supposed to be freezing today.  Now it's 3 degrees and windy.

Keep warm out there.
The 3 Eskimos.