Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat!!!

We had a BLAST Trick or treating tonight.  We took a different route throught the neighborhood - less walking more houses.  We WIN, and we were home by 7:30. :)

Adley was Bobo Fett (Star Wars Bounty Hunter), Nathanael was Darth Maul (Star Wars bad guy as well.), and Jeremiah originally planned to be Darth Vader, but change his mind to Batman for tonight!!

Happy Halloween!
The sweet guys

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sink or Float??

Ha, just kidding, we weren't really playing sink or float.  On our way home from the playground, our neighbor had some free stuff by the road.  Water guns were some of them.  So we stopped for a pick-up.  So once home, mom filled a bin of water for us, and she was so generous to make it a bit warm.  We decided to sit in the bin.  So mom fulled us each a bin.

Memere & Papa King these are our little mini hot-tubs. :)

What a gorgeous 70 degree fall day on October 29th.

Happy Fall!

The 3 wet boys
(we went inside to warm up in a hot bath after our wet adventure.)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Carving!

Check out our pumpkins for this year.  Nathanael picked Mario, Jeremiah - Boo (from Mario) and Adley - Yoshi (again from Mario.)  We're so excited how our pumpkins turned out.  Adley even traced all of his Yoshi, and cut out a few of the pieces by himself.

Also our costumes are all Star Wars will be GREAT!

The Mario pumpkin boys!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

First top tooth lost!!

Hey, I lost my first top tooth, after Jeremiah sat on my face and made it extra loose.  The one right beside it is also very wiggly.  Mom says soon I'll be singing "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."  But I don't know if that's a real song.


Gorgeous Fall Weekend!

The leaves are falling, so we had a sweet pile of leaves in the back yard.  And check out our shed.  Mom and Dad stained it on Saturday.  We just need doors and to side the last gabel.
We are loving these fall day!
The fall boys

Saturday, October 18, 2014

New Play Place in town!

So today mom went to the library, and noticed some balloons and music in the newly constructed building across the street from the library.  After going home and typing in the signs name: Lock Ness children's play center - she found out today was the grand opening, and everyone could come for free to check it out.  So after Grandma & Grandpa came over to build the shed, and after lunch, Grandma came with us to visit this new play place.  We LOVE it, and it's right in town, and mom bought us a monthly pass.  We had a BLAST!!!

Check out the pics Grandma took!

Oh, and Nathanael lost another tooth today - we're calling him toothless. :)

The fun boys

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Look who lost his first tooth!

So I got all tucked in and ready for bed.  Just 5 minutes later I came out of my room with my first lost tooth in hand.  Boy am I proud to have lost my first tooth.  I'm so excited to tell my friends tomorrow when we meet up for a lunch play date at a park.

Good night everyone!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


We LOVE applesauce.  Memere picked us a big bag of apples.  We love to use the apple peeler and corer. Adley pretty much peeled and cored all the apples so we could make 5 quarts of applesauce.


The 3 chefs

Parrish Wedding Celebration Weekend

What a fabulous weekend we just had.  Friday night we went to Grampie & Nana's for a sleepover.  Grampie had the tramp-o-line set up for us.  And there was lots of fall leave all over the place to jump around in.  Then off to Jay Peak for the wedding weekend.  Saturday morning, we got checked in, and went to the indoor water park.  What a blast.  We swum and slid all morning long, then went for lunch at 2pm.  We at lunch and chilled in our sweet hotel room, while we waited for 'celebration time.'  The kids had a sweet pizza party to go to, while the adults went to the wedding fun.  We had a BLAST.  When mom and Dad came to pick us up, we had no shirts on and we were waving them around our heads like laso's and dancing.  What a party.  The next day we went back to MaTaunte Lou's condo for breakfast (or as Aldey says - for tree climbing.)  Then after a full belly of breakfast, back to the water park.  Another super fun time swimming and playing.  We loved the hot-tub, lazy river and blue tube slides the best.  Sunday afternoon at 3:00, it was time to drive home.  What a blast.
The 3 party boys