Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Heat Wave

It's snowing one day, and today it's 60 degrees out and pouring rain. We love a good heat wave. We've got a good 6 buckets under the eves.  Good Times.

Stay dry out there - we won't.
The 3 guys

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

First Snow

We LOVE first snow.  This is all we got, it was snowing when we went outside, and it had stopped about 15 minutes after.  We wanted this snow to stay for a while...but it will be raining tomorrow.

And Hot Cocoa at 9am is a GOOD day!

The cocoa boys

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we made Turkey cookies.  I don't know if you can really call them cookies because they are cookies and candies all held together with frosting.  YUM.  After our Turkey adventure we each made our own creation.  Adley helped Jeremiah make his, but he didn't want to wait to pose for a photo, so he ate his.  Adley and Nathanael were impressed how tall their towers were.

We're having a great Thanksgiving week, School is even Thanksgiving projects all week...stay tuned for more fun!

The 3 pilgrims

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Leaf Piles

Leaf piles, are not simply for jumping into, but for swinging HIGH and launching yourself into.
Daddy did a great job raking these leaves for us.

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AWANA Grand Prix

A super fun racing night at the AWANA Grand Prix.  The boys raced their cars 5 times, the track held 4 cars at a time and there were many heats so all the kids could race (There were 60 registered was quite a night...there were 2 tracks one for the SPARKS - the younger kids group, and one for the 2 older kids groups.)  Nathanael was so excited for his first Grand Prix.  The boys finished 2nd and 3rd in their many races (which was so fun.)  Nathanel got 2nd place trophy for his design.  He's so excited, it's his first trophy.
The 2 speedsters

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Uno's at Uno's

What a fun Saturday night.  We meet Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth out do dinner at Uno's in Worcester, (sort of halfway.)  We had a fun night out in the big city.  Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth both looked awesome - very spiffy.  We LOVE that at Uno's when you order a drink, and drink it all, you get another one.  We're still talking about that one.  And we brought our Uno cards to play Uno's at Uno's.  That was the plan from the beginning.

Supper FUN!

Thanks for a great night!
The 3 guys

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Yankee Doodle went to town.  Check out our tri-corn hats we made today.

Nice boots Jeremiah!

 the 3 crazy crazy guys!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Just a regular day at the Philips household!

Halloween or not we're geared up about half the time.  And now that the days are shorter - we're out when the sun goes down.
Super Hero it up!!

The 3 heros (Adley is out here - just behind the tree)