Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat?

Trick or Treat!!! From Bobo Fett, Savage & Buzz Lightyear! (That's 2 Star Wars guys & a Toy Story Fella.)

We had a great time going around the neighborhood.  The weather warmed up to a humid 55, it was nice night for trick or treat.  (It was a cold 40 degrees at the park this morning, and pouring rain all afternoon.  We were happy it cleared up nicely.)

And double cool, Jeremiah didn't want to wear his Buzz helmet, so he wore a wolverine mask instead.  He is awesome!
The sugar boys!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Carvin' Pumpkins!

We carved our pumpkins today!  SOOO Fun.  Adley did a great job carving lots of his.  Adley is the batman symbol, Nathanael did Chewbacca (Daddy did a great job on that one.), Jeremiah LOVES the movies Cars - so he picked Lightning McQueen.
Happy Fall!
The 3 guys

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Playin' in the Leaves

We had a nice cool afternoon playing in the leaves!
Love the fall guys

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time to Beard Up Boston!

Go Red Sox!! Time to Beard Up Boston, if you can't grow them, have your mom make you one.


these 3 Red Sox fans!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Memere & Papa Kings

What a fun weekend trip Oct 4th.  We went to Memere and Papa King's Friday night, so Mom & Dad could go out for their anniversary.  We had a blast with Memere and Papa King all Saturday - we cleaned up the garden, brought in some wood & went to a new playground. Boy did we have a BLAST.  Then Mom and Dad came back - and we spend another night, and had even more fun.

Check out the rest of our pics!

The 3 guys

Some Stuff

Yah, we're a bit behind. :)
 In school we were studying Native American's, so we made a 'short' wigwam.

We were studying Michelangelo - we're paining our own Sistene Chapel.

Having Fun!
The 3 students

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Apple Picking

Last Saturday we had a great day apple picking.  The whole family went, but the rest of the family photo's people were missing some of their face. :)
Lovin' eating our apples,
The 3 pickers