Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  We went up to Great Aunt Elaines for lunch.  We had fun playing with Mia and Devon.  Then to Grandpie's for a sleep over.  We played board games.  On Friday we played with the animals and took a nice walk in the woods.  Then back home.  On Saturday we had a fun trip to Grandpa's and Grandmas.  We got to see our Texas cousins, boy did we have a blast!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

The 3 guys

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A ride on the Mayflower!

Today we took a voyage on the Mayflower.  We all got dressed up like sailors...there must have been spiders.  We learned it was a very rough journey of 65 days.  It was crowded, and leaks needed to be sealed (which we colored some cracks with water leaking in.)  We are finishing decorating our ship now.
If anyone wants to voyage with us enjoy! :)

The 3 Pilgrims

Thursday, November 8, 2012

OK actual snow this time!

We got out first thing this morning to play in this wonderful snow.  We made/destroyed many snowmen.  It's 8:30am and we're back's pouring rain outside.  Bye bye snow....till next time.

The 3 guys

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First Snow! The 7th of November!

Well it's the first snow, and it was just dusting when we went out.  We know we will loose it by tomorrow so we thought we'd go for it.  And yes we enjoyed some hot cocoa after our jaunt in the snow.  And our bird feeder is out, lets see if we have some birds tomorrow.

The guys

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Time to Vote!

Hope you all get out to vote today!   We went out to help mom cast her vote.  And the voting ladies gave us little chocolate bars for bringing a voter to vote. :)  Then we played at the playground where our voting precinct is.  And then we went to Dunkin Donuts.  We liked to point out all the people who had their 'I voted' stickers on.  And of course we made the table of little old ladies smile.

Go Vote,

And we have a map of the US with the electoral collage numbers on them, so we'll be coloring them in as the results are listed tonight.  Mom wants us to take a picture of the set up...but we are feeling lazy, maybe tonight when we're coloring it in we can have an action shot!

The guys

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat from your Black spider man, ghost and elephant!

We had a fabulous evening of trick or treat.
The guys