Sunday, September 23, 2012

Apple Picking!

ON Friday we had a wonderful day picking apples.  Dad took half day to pick with us too.  The weather was great and we picked a whole peck of apples.  Good thing we had Dad's muscles to carry that heavy bag out of the orchard. :)

Happy Fall!

The 3 guys

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rodger Williams Zoo!

What a beautiful day we had at the zoo today!!  We saw lots of animals and we played in the sprinkle park.  We picked up some McDonald's on the way home.  We love Donalds!!  (more photo's)

The 3 animals

Lego club!

In Lego club this month we made a pyramid, complete with sarcophagus and lego-mummy guy inside.  We made it rainbow style.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Boys Drum

Yes we are very musical!  The sound was crankin' in our kitchen this morning!!
We LOVE to beat drums!!
the 3 guys

Update again!!

Wow, we're doing a bad job with our blog.  OK here goes the update again.  (we had a fun pool date with our friends before labor day, that's what those photos will be.)
Our camping trip was perfect and super fun.  We drove to Grandma & Grandpa's on Friday for lunchtime.  Then we drove to camping on Hammanaset in CT on the beach.  We pitched our tents, then loaded up the bikes to drive to the beach.  The water was perfect the waves were fun, but salt in your mouth and eyes is BAD.  Then back to camp for dinner.  The next day Adley & Jeremiah were up for about 6am.  So mom took the 2 guys on a bike ride.  It was a gorgeous morning.  Then back to camp for some breakfast.  Jeremiah needed a nap, so mom took Jeremiah & Nathanael for a bike ride.  After a little snooze, everyone went to the beach.  The weather was hot, the water was nice.  What a great time.  That afternoon the big guys walked around the campsites to go and climb the AWESOME climbing tree.  We made friends with the campers nearby, they were nice, we were way up in the tree.  Then Nathanael and mom and Grandma zipped back to the beach to cool down (it was a hot day.)  Then back to Uncle Davids campsite for the big family BBQ.  YUM.  Then back to sleep in our tents.  Sunday morning, Jeremiah was the first one up again, so mom back packed him for a sweet walk in the sunrise.  Then back to camp Dad took Adley on a ride.  We all made it back to the beach in the morning, then back to unpack and go home.  It was a super time!!  (Photo's soon)

This past week seemed very busy...must have been for mom then.....we stared our Co-Op this Friday, (we call it school at church.)  We all have classrooms, and now mom is Adley's teacher, for art class & science class.  Adley also has a math games class.  Nathanael has a pre-K/K class that does lots of fun things.  Nathanaels favorite is gym time.  Jeremiah is in the nursery, but will probably graduate to the toddler room after New Years.

Saturday Adley started his soccer season.  He had a great time with the kids and played a 'game' for the last 30min.  He's on the orange team again this year.  He has a great time with that. He and Dad bike down to the field.

Well that's our fast update, hope to have some more photo's soon.
The 3 guys

Monday, September 3, 2012

Few Updates!

We have a few new pictures to add, (this is before our camping trip update which was AWESOME).
1. Jeremiah is sitting at the big table like such a big guy.
2. We started our AWANA club last Tuesday
3. We started school last Wednesday.

And we went camping this weekend....To be continued...

The 3 guys