Monday, August 27, 2012

My 6 Year Check-up!

I had a great check-up shots!!!  I am 49" (90th percentile) and 46lbs 13oz (56th percentile).  I grew 3" this year and 4lbs.

OK time to play!!

Our girlfriends Birthday Party!

We had a very fun time at our girlfriends birthday party, Madelyn is 5, and Katelyn is 7 (the two girls with 2 pony tails.)  We had a blast, and Jeremiah jumped in a bounce house for the first time.   He had a great time too, just trying to stand and wanting to bounce like us.  These 2 sisters also have a sister Jeremiah's age.  He and Jocelyn play very cute together.
Fun Times,

The 3 guys

Adley's Birthday week ++

We finished up Adley's Birthday week with a fun 2 day stay at Memere's 16th & 17th.  We had a super time, some pool, bikes, walks in the woods.  We picked a mega-ton of Blueberries....we LOVE em'.  What a great trip...(I'm a little behind in my posts.)


Saturday, August 18, 2012

VT trip!!! SOOOO FUN!!

What a fabulous VT trip.  We went up to Mom's Ma Taunte Lou's for a combination party.  Wedding shower and graduation party, (a surprise on the wedding shower) and a baby shower....lot's going on up there.  There was a super fun bounce slide, and quite a party.  Then to Grandpa's for a sleep over.  We picked blueberries, relaxed, played in the river.  What a fun trip.

Check out some more photos!

The 3 guys

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Birthday Golf Party!!

What a very fun Birthday party.  Me and a bunch of my friends went to Dino Golf.  We played a fun game of golf, had some pizza, and dino cupcakes, and then played around the course for a little longer.  Me the and guys found frogs in the golf ponds, we caught a bunch of them, (and let them go.)  Having a blast turning 6.
Love, Adley

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!!

What a fun birthday, and I get to have a birthday week even. :)  We had a playgroup in the morning with some yummy birthday treats.  Then I had swimming lessons and we told my teacher after class that it was my birthday and she sang Happy Birthday to me.  Then MaTaunte Andrea came over for dinner and fun, and Grandma & Grandpa came for cake & ice cream.  I'm 6 years old!!!!
