Sunday, July 29, 2012

Vacation Bible School!

What a super fun week of Vacation Bible school.  We went to the National Parks this week, Adley was on the Beaver team, and Nathanael was on the Rabbit team.  Jeremiah hung out with his friends in the nursery, and mom was with the moms.  So we all had a fun place to go.
We sung songs, made crafts, did activities outdoors.  What a blast!!

This week we begin our swimming lessons, we're very excited!  We'll be fishes next!

Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lego Club & Sport Camp!

God Bless America!! Look what I made in Lego Club.  This one was very challenging, because we had to scrounge for multiple smaller blocks to make 'bigger blocks' on our sheet, so it was a little crazy, but we finished it.

Also I've been at sport camp all week, and it's been very fun.  I am going with my friend Nicholas.  I'll have to get a picture of the both of us with our camp shirts.

Keeping busy,

15 Month Check-Up!

I had my check-up today, I weighed 28lbs 9oz (90th percentile) and was 33 1/2 inches long (95th percentile.)  I'm doing great, had 3 shots...but thankfully we came home and had ice cream sandwiches which makes things much better all around.

I'm dropping in my percentile points...not topping the charts anymore. :)

So I'm 3 lbs heavier and 1/2 inch longer than Nathanael at his 15 month check-up, and 2 lbs heavier and 1 inch taller than Adley at his 15 month.

Time to play!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

NY trip!

What a fabulous trip to Schroon Lake NY for our 4th of July celebration.  We partied with Auntie Bee, Uncle Ben, cousin Ethan, Grandma and Grandpa.  We drove up after dinner the 3rd of July.  It takes 4 hours to get there.  It went OK.  On the 4th we went to the town beach in the morning. Then after lunch played at cousin Ethan's while Jeremiah and Ethan napped.  The neighbor Michael was 5 years old too and we spend a lot of time playing with him while we were at the house.  Then we went into town for the parade, and we got lots of candy.  YUM!  Then back to the house to chill until we went back out for the fireworks.  They were great, we were a bit tired by that point, but we stuck it out.  Next day we climbed Severance mountain.  Adley had climbed it 2 times before and Nathanael one time before.  Kind of a tradition to climb the mountain every trip.  It's 1.2 miles and a bit steep, but we can see Schroon Lake so great up there.  Once down the mountain we went home for lunch, and hung out at the house for naps.  We biked around the neighborhood, found some wild raspberries and black raspberries..yum. Grandma and mom played some street tennis. Then for dinner we went to the campground for a steak/chicken nugget dinner.  It was yummy, and they have a fun playground to play on.  After that we went to play tennis at the courts so we could make room for ice cream.  We went to the softy ice cream place, YUM!  Then back home.  The big guys and Dad slept in the tent, but not before a fun campfire and S'mores.  On Friday we went to the town beach in the AM, then home for lunch and packed up to go home.
We were pooped but had a fabulous time!!!

Today we're resting up!

The 3 guys

Monday, July 2, 2012

Barbrie 4th of July party!!

A fun time was had, and LOTS of delicious BBQ food, at Grandma's and Grandpas for the family 4th of July picnic on the 1st of July.  We ate, we played in the kiddie pool, we rode around with Grandpa on the ridding lawn mower, we got to see our California relatives, and some fun fireworks and glowsticks to boot.  Uncle Nicki brought his accordion, there was a trumpet, and some fun songs were played.  We had a blast!
The 3 guys