Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Actual Birthday!

Here's my official cake on my official birthday with my official photographer, Dad. The BEST! Thanks for all the birthday fun everyone! Love, Nathanael

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nathanaels Party!

We had a fabulous Cars Party for me, now I'm 4 years old. Well actually today is my last day of 3, but the party starts today. We had a Cars2 party, and my cake was Finn Mcmissel. I had my 3 girlfriends over and 2 of my boyfriends, Adley had 2 friends over and Jeremiah had one friend. So we had a super fun time. So watch out! I'm 4 years old, and tomorrow is MY day! Mom let me pick chocolate donuts for breakfast, and I have an orange cake with chocolate frosting for dessert for the family. Have I told you I love chocolate and orange? Well Happy Birthday to ME! Nathanael

Monday, April 23, 2012

Looks Who's Walking!

I'm soooo excited to try out my walking skills, I'll be running with the big boys in no time!!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Walden Pond!

Today was a fabulous day to spend walking around Walden Pond. Dad took the day off work and we really enjoyed!!

The 3 guys

Monday, April 16, 2012

Patriots Day

We had a fun HOT day today (we got 90 degrees in April...)

This morning we watched live coverage of the Boston Mathathon while we did school, yah mom really works us hard huh? :) Well we'll be done mid-may!! We were cheering for the wheelchair guy with the sweet wheels...we missed the end, we hope he won. We saw the 'fast' men start..and then another HUGE group of people, and shorty another HUGE group of people. Here are some fab stats, 91 countries are represented, and about 26,000 people ran it....crazy.

Then we went to the beach for the afternoon and had a blast. We were there for 3 hours, Adley was swimming underwater, Jeremiah was 'bear' crawling in the shallow part, and Nathanael was bringing buckets of water as fast as he could to make a sweet river down the sand. A fabulous time was had by all!

Happy Patriots Day Everyone!
the guys

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!

Hope you all have a Blessed Easter!! He is Risen!!!

We had a fun time this week, decorating Easter Eggs, mom videoed but said the video is not as exciting as when things are about to tip over and make a mess all over the place. :)

Today we worshiped the Lord in Church with Grandma & Grandpa! Then home to collect eggs in the back yard for an egg hunt. Then breakfast for lunch..mmmm... a nice big ham! Then a fun day with family!

Love you all,
The guys,
Adley has nicknames for his brothers so we're all two syllables.

Adley, Thanael, Jera

Monday, April 2, 2012

One Year Check-up!

I'm BIG, 33" tall (99.5 percentile) and 26lbs 11oz (92 percentile).

So I weigh more than Nathanael at 15m, and more than Adley at 15m.
I'm taller than Adley at 15m, and the same as Nathanael at 15m.

fun stats!!

I had 3 shots so it's time for a nice nap!
