Monday, February 20, 2012

Fever Fever

These guys ROCK, the band played at church Monday night and we got to go to our first concert.

And Adley got to help the light guy, he got to turn some of the lights on and off to the beats. It was fun, and they are very good.
A very fun time!!

Love the rockin' guys!

Birthday Valentine Fun!

Last week was busy, and fun. Mom had a birthday, we had some valentine fun, our friends had a birthday and we got to go to Friendlies for it. YUM Ice cream is sooo yummy. Memere came to visit us on Valentines day. We went to Grandpa's on Saturday. We've had a blast!!

Happy Valentines Everyone!

The 3 guys

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Game Time!!

Just finished dinner, now it's Game Time!! I'll be cheering for the Pats, and Adley and Nathanael want to cheer for the Giants because that's Papa Kings team. (Don't tell Grandma. :) )

