WOW, is all we can say. Here's how it all went down.
We carved our pumpkins Saturday night, (Dad has cooler photo's so you'll have to wait for those.) We had a big fancy supper and were excited for snow the next day. However at 9:30pm we lost power....and lots of big branches fell due to the heavy snow that did fall. Mom and Dad were up playing skip-bo but had to stop many times to go investigate huge tree falling sounds. The next day, still no power but maybe it's fun the first day. Monday- Halloween- Dad goes to work, we're chilly because the fireplace smokes like crazy so we've only been running it at night before bed. So we go to the mall to go Trick-or-treating. And it was PACKED. With lots of people not even trick or treating but to stay warm. The trick or treating was totally crazy as well because of all the people. But we did it. Back home for supper. We grilled lots of supper, and were glad for Dad's camp stove to warm us up some hot cocoa and soup and stuff. We tried a fire that night. Then Tuesday, still no power, and chilly so mom took us to Dunkin donuts for a nice warm donut breakfast, and coffee for mom. And that was packed as well, but praise the Lord when we pulled in a parking spot cleared up. There was one super small table free for us to sit at. We had our breakfast and mom brought coloring books, so we enjoyed a little more Dunkin ambiance. Once home mom had us both take super long hot showers...we were almost raisins. Then mom talked to a girlfriend about getting a fire really hot, to heat up the bricks so it won't smoke as much. So she did, and boy did she smoke us out. It was a crazy 4 hours of smoke, until she realized that the flue is more to the back, so she pushed the fire to the back and low and behold, our fireplace is not smoky, and we had that thing cranking all day. We didn't move from the carpet in front of the fireplace. We colored there, had snacks there, read books there, played with Jeremiah there. When Dad got home he could smell the smoke for sure, but was glad for the warmth. And for a warm treat we had Chinese take out for dinner. Over night the temp dropped to 51.5 in the house...we slept in sleeping bags, hats and our blankets. Jeremiah was a blanket bundle as well. Wednesday we cranked the fire all day. We got the temp in the hallway to 57 degrees. SWEET. We watched the power guys cut down the tree on the power lines...but still no power for us. When Dad got home he said there was power all down the street..until close to our place it all went dark. So we got a little excited for nothing. One more chilly night back down to 51.5 in the morning. Thursday morning...still no power. We had a nice fire for our breakfast (which has really been mom's supply of frozen breads that thawed, banana bread & chocolate zucchini bread.) We decided to get out of the house and went to the park. Jeremiah got to swing for the first time. We was not so excited at the other boys..a little more concerned. He also had big brothers pushing him some...but mom kept them gentle. Everyone who was at the park left so we called a friend and went over to their house. They also didn't have power but had a generator. After playing for a while home again. Once home..still no power. We've got a fire cranking, candles burning. Mom's figuring we're in for another night without power, and then at 5:20pm THE LIGHTS TURN ON!! MOM is pumped!! and so are we. We got to watch TV, and mom gets to clean....I don't know why she's so excited...she's been doing mountains of laundry, vacuuming and lots of not fun stuff. :) But we are SO excited to be with power!! So the event today is to go grocery shopping when Jermemiah wakes up so we have something good to's getting to be slim pickin's int he Philips household. :)
But we survived!!!
Love the 3 guys!