Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Cute!

And I rolled over for the first time on Tuesday, from back to front. I LOVE to eat my rice cereal & oat cereal. My favorite foods are banana's, pears, applesauce and sweet potatoes....did you guess, I have a sweet tooth. I am comfortably wearing 12 month clothes. My brothers love me bunches and I get LOTS of kisses, and rough jiggles and they love to put blankets on my face. I smile tons when I see them.

Well that's my mini update,


Grandpies & Nana

Went to Grandpie's & Nana's last weekend and had a blast!! Great Grandmie is holding Jeremiah in the back ground, and Nathanael is gonna get it... :)
We got to Grandpie's Friday night, and Saturday we went for a bike ride, spent lots of time jumping on the trampline. There were a few blueberries still to pick, and some black berries. We had a great time. We always LOVE to visit.

The guys

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day of 'multi-sport'

Today we played Soccer at our multi-sport thing mom signed us up for. We had a blast, and we're on the same team. Each week for 6 weeks we get to play a sport. Next week is Tee-ball. Can't wait.
The guys

Jeremiah watched on the sidelines but wants to play soon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Camping is SO much fun!!

We went camping at Grandma & Grandpa's house this weekend and had a blast. (pics) We were originally going to go camping at a state park, but since Irene came the parks were closed as people tried to clean up CT. Grandma only got power Friday afternoon (which was nice once we got there, made for an easier camping trip. :) )

We tented for 2 nights. We had campfires & smores & LOTS of popcicles - these might be grandpa's favorite food. We had a blast with all our cousins. There were bike rides, walks to the the state park for some river and pond fun, we went to the 'brook' behind Grandma & grandpa's and discovered their oasis. We even managed a family trip/caravan to Grandma's church. How we pulled that one off is pretty SWEET, 3 carloads of us showered/dressed and out the house by 9:30 - we even got to the church in time for donuts...YUM!!

What a blast!!

Happy Labor Day weekend!!
The guys!