Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fabulous White Christmas!!!

Boy did we have a wonderful Christmas.
The fun started at Cousin Owen's & Jaydens for some Christmas Eve fun. We always have a blast over there. We got lots of super sweet gifts. Thanks everyone.
Then home for our Christmas Morning at home. We woke up and played with the Nativity toy Mom & Dad set up, then started opening our presents. We like to open and play then open. We got books & puzzles & movies and Adley got a sweet marble game and Nathanael a lego emergency vehicle set. Mom made breakfast before we were even done with the stockings and mom & Dad's presents because she was too hungry. Then we did Christmas with Ma Taunte Andrea over the phone.

That afternoon we drove to Memere & Papa King's. They had BIG snowbanks we wanted to play it, but it was dark out. We opened more presents there. Then Sunday morning to the Hall for Great Memere's Christmas with all of mom's cousins aunts and uncles...yah we need a hall. Then to Grandpies for more holiday fun. and another yummy meal. We ate a lot, espeically the yummy sweet stuff.

On Monday there was a sweet snow storm in Mass, we were expecting to come home to 22 inches at first, then a foot, and once we got home it was about 7 inches. But that's a good deepness for us to play in so it was OK. Also probably deep enough for Dad to shovel. Way to go Dad.

And we are home enjoying all the fun stuff we got, and the snow. Excited to have Dad off from work tomorrow for our New Years Eve celebration, which really just means lots of appetizer food, hopefully ribs...if mom can make it to the store.

We won't be going anywhere today because Nathanael was up last night with a stomach bug (he seems fine today) and Adley hit a tree while sledding yesterday, and has a scraped up chin and super swollen eye, so he looks like a one eye, but again feels fine.

So were ready to start this new year in style...probably with a sweet black eye for Adley.

Love you all,
Many blessings in 2011!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

'8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill towards men.'"

"......That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

Many Blessings this Christmas Season!!

Adley & Nathanael

My School Holiday Party

Today we had our holiday party, and our school sang some carols for our parents. Jingle bells complete w/bells to ring. Then we had a food party in our class room. Nathanael got to enjoy too, he loves to come to my class, and play in my room. Then we came home and decorated the gingerbread train mom got. We ate a lot of yummy candies...but the train still looks good. (a few pics are on the previous post.)

This should be it until our final Christmas post!!

Merry Merry Christmas!!

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Snow!!!

We're very excited. We woke up this morning and mom said there was snow on the ground. So we looked out every window and saw that there was snow on the trees, snow on the firewood, snow on the grass and on the trees. Nathanael said "I want to make a snowman". And Adley said, "I see Dad on his unicycle in the snow". I'm sure you're not surprised, Dad unicycles everywhere, most every weather. Well as you can see (our pics), we didn't get that much snow, but enough for some snow angels, and eating and walking in the snow.

4 Days till Christmas!!!!


Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Owen!!

Boy did we have fun at our cousin Owen's birthday party. It was at the trampoline place, and boy did we bounce. Fun Fun!!!

Monday we went to Dad's work for a holiday party just for the kids. It was very fun, (photo's to follow). We made reindeer candy canes, had ice cream, decorated a gingerbread man, got our faces painted and lots of other cool stuff.

Tonight we took our photo for our Christmas Card....stay your mailbox for that one. :)

Today we went to the play place with our friends, super fun times!!!

We made Christmas cookies, and frosted them.....YUM!!

We talked about all the things we can do when we have snow, the list is long, but it includes snow men, a snow fort and snow angels...just for starters. I guess we're glad there's no snow yet, because we've been so busy with everything Christmas related. Maybe a huge dumping after Christmas...because what is there to do in January and February. :)

Love you all,

Adley & Nathanael

Friday, December 10, 2010

Philips Holiday Art Studio!!

And some sweet holiday photos, of us decorating the tree in our room (well it was bagged it needed a little sprucing up,) & (Memere got a little teary eyed when she saw our splendid tree from when Mom & Ma Taunte Andrea were kids.)
Also photos of getting and triming our fabulous BIG Christmas Tree.

As well as mom's inspired Christmas Art idea from a friend on facebook.

Enjoy Everyone,

We'll try to keep you posted on all our holiday fun!!


Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

So we've had a fabulous December so far as we await Christmas.

We decorated our new home end of November, and we even have a tiny tree in our room. It's sweet. Memere got to come down and see the fabulous decorations. Now we have a fireplace & mantle so we have our stockings hung by the chimney with care. We even have one for our new baby brother.
We cut down our tree this Sunday and decorated it Monday night. It's a big fat tree and we love it. Mom had to go to Walmart to buy a huge strand of lights to cover it.

Now we're ready for presents under the tree, and to make and decorate some sugar cookies. We have red & green frosting...just waiting for cookie day.

We are also waiting for some snowflakes because that would really make it Christmas. We had a few flakes fall from the sky on Monday. We even have a sweet hill just our size across the street we can't wait to sled.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (in advanced.)

Adley & Nathanael